16 December 2010

Wash your feet with vodka, the Ministry of Health allows!

Danish scientists have refuted the famous "alcoholic" urban legend
ABC Magazine

In the British Medical Journal in the section "Christmas Research 2010" published a curious article by Danish doctors from the Department of Endocrinology and Cardiology of the hospital of Hillereda: Hansen, Færch & Kristensen, Testing the validity of the Danish urban myth that alcohol can be absorbed through feet: open labelled self experimental study. They decided to check the urban legend common in Denmark about the possibility of intoxication "through the legs", in the process of taking a foot bath from alcoholic beverages.

(Please note: brave doctors conducted this dangerous experiment on themselves. Or maybe this is another deception in science? Any sane person will conduct such an experience virtually, and will use vodka for its intended purpose. Not all at once, of course... – Healthy Skeptic, VM.)

The experiment was carried out on three healthy volunteers aged 31 to 35 years, who did not suffer from dependence on alcohol or other psychoactive substances, chronic skin and liver diseases. The subjects were placed in the legs in a basin, where 2.1 liters of vodka were previously poured (the contents of three 0.7-liter bottles). For three hours, the concentration of ethanol in their blood was measured every half hour and they were asked to fill out a questionnaire containing questions about their well-being and feelings.

The researchers failed to detect ethanol in the blood of any of the volunteers, at least it did not exceed the sensitivity threshold of the method, i.e. the minimum detectable concentration of 2.2 mmol/L. Also, the subjects themselves did not notice signs of intoxication.

Thus, according to Danish doctors, intoxication with the help of a foot "vodka" bath is nothing more than a myth.

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