04 July 2018

We are waiting for a new generation of deodorants

A molecular mechanism has been discovered that is responsible for the production of an unpleasant odor of sweat

Alexandra "Renoire" Alekseeva, XX2 century, based on EurekAlert: Don't sweat it: Scientists identify key step in production of BO

The smell of sweat haunts people in winter and summer – it is difficult in the subway or train without air conditioning in summer. Fortunately, scientists have understood the process by which bacteria produce volatile sweat odor molecules. This knowledge will allow them to develop a new line of deodorants that will not just block the growth of bacteria, but will target the mechanisms of odor production.

It was clear to scientists before that bacteria are responsible for the smell of sweat. In the armpits, as a result of sweat secretion, an environment favorable for the reproduction of organisms that collectively form the microbiome of the armpit is formed. But until now, it was not clear what the mechanism of the bacteria that produce the smell of sweat is. Scientists from the University of York recently published an article describing these processes.

The main component of the smell of sweat is 3-methyl-3-sulfanyl-hexane-1-ol (3M3SH, 3-methyl-3-sulfanylhexan-1-ol). The volatile substance 3M3SH is produced as a result of the activity of bacteria acting on the molecule of the precursor substance S-Cys-Gly-3M3S, secreted in the armpit when we sweat, and has no odor. As a result of the activity of bacteria, the above-mentioned substance 3M3SH is obtained. How bacteria identify a precursor molecule and produce an odor has been poorly understood until now.

Gavin Thomas and colleagues for the first time described the structural and biochemical mechanisms of transport of the S-Cys-Gly-3M3S molecule by bacteria Staphylococcus hominis. The first step was to understand the structure of the transport protein molecule, which allows bacteria to recognize and "swallow" the secretion materials of sweat glands. The sweat molecule is transformed into an odor molecule in the cytoplasm of bacteria and then released into the environment.

A new type of deodorants can be built on the mechanism of destruction of transport protein, thus the mechanism of transformation of sweat into smell will cease to work.

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