26 January 2016

When and from what will you die?

Beautiful visualization of the probability of death

Eugene @jeston, Geektimes 

The British The Telegraph drew attention to the curious website of Big Data specialist Nathan Yau. On one of his pages, Nathan published an interactive diagram made using the D3 library, which demonstrates to the visitor the statistical probability of his death for 15 different reasons. The site does not request any personal information, asking only to indicate the gender, race and current age of the user, and does not make any "magic" predictions, like "Who are you in 25 years".

The author of the site has collected statistics on the deaths of Americans, which are published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – therefore, the significance of the simulation results is justified only for American residents. The time period of the data covers the period from 1999 to 2014. Among the 113 possible causes of death that are taken into account by the CDC, Nathan left only 15 and brought them into the simulation. 

At the start of the chart, the entered age of the user changes every second and the statistical probability of dying from one reason or another is calculated. When the age of 100 is reached, the simulation stops. Apparently, most Americans will not live to this age and will die from cardiovascular or oncological diseases.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru
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