The Law on the End of Life
French deputies did not decide on euthanasia
The document does not talk about euthanasia. This was announced on Tuesday, March 17, according to France-Presse.
436 members of the National Assembly voted for the bill "on the end of life" proposed by Alain Claye of the Party of Socialists and Jean Lionetti of the conservative Union for a Popular Movement. 34 deputies spoke against it.
The text of the document provides for "deep and continuous sedation" for terminally ill patients at the last stage. From now on, doctors will also have to take into account the patient's refusal to seek to prolong his life by any means.
Prime Minister Manuel Valls called the proposal "balanced." The deputies of the Green Party, the far left and some Socialists abstained from voting. They proposed legalizing euthanasia.
Some right-wing MPs who had previously fought against the law on homosexual marriage also did not vote. They called the bill "unnecessary and dangerous" and opposed the "right to death."
During the discussion of the bill, unknown persons scattered leaflets with the inscription "No euthanasia" over the part of the parliament where left-wing deputies are located.
French President Francois Hollande during his election campaign in 2012 promised to adopt a law on "medical assistance to end life with dignity." Later, he spoke in favor of a consensus to change the legislation from 2005.
According to opinion polls, 96% of the French are in favor of sedation if the patient himself asks for it. 8 out of 10 Frenchmen support the legalization of euthanasia.
The law "On the end of life" adopted by the National Assembly will be submitted to the Senate in May-June this year.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru18.03.2015