Molecular biological agent for hair growth
"Communication" of stem cells promotes hair growth
Researchers at the University of Southern California have deciphered the signals by which the stem cells of the hair follicles of mice and rabbits interact with each other, speeding up the process of hair restoration.
A summary of the results, USC research reveals surprising clues about communication in hair stem cell populations, published in e! Science News, full – in the article Plikus et al. Self-Organizing and Stochastic Behaviors During the Regeneration of Hair Stem Cells // Science 29 April 2011: Vol. 332 No. 6029 pp. 586-589 – ED.)
Together with specialists in mathematical biology from Oxford University, scientists have been observing changes in the patterns of hair growth of shaved mice and rabbits for many months. The result of this was the identification of a cyclic pattern of the change of active and passive stages of the vital activity of hair follicle stem cells.
It turned out that the cells coordinate the regeneration of the hair with the help of two molecular signals: a WNT activator and a BMP inhibitor. The alternating use of these signals by the cells of many thousands of hair follicles forms a complex self-regulating scheme for the growth of new wool, the results of the functioning of which often look like a fragment of abstract painting applied to the skin of an animal.
However, the end result of launching this system is the rapid restoration of a full-fledged hair cover.
The data obtained can help in solving the problem of baldness in humans, one of the reasons for the development of which is the lack of the ability of hair follicle stem cells to interact with each other. The Stevens Institute of Innovation, part of the university, has already applied for a patent for the development of a fundamentally new method of modulating hair growth.
Experts also believe that the results of this work should stimulate new research devoted to the identification of similar systems of intercellular interaction in stem cell populations of other important organs and systems of human organs, including bone marrow and gastrointestinal tract.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru19.05.2011