The thousand-dollar genome: close to the barrier
HiSeqX Ten: a complete study of the human genome for $1,000
Vladimir Paramonov, "Kompyulenta"Illumina has introduced the revolutionary HiSeqX Ten installation, which promises to make a comprehensive study of the human genome a truly mass phenomenon.
And this means the emergence of fundamentally new methods of combating serious diseases and the rapid development of personal medicine.
An array of HiSeqX Ten sequencers (here and below the manufacturer's images).
American Illumina was founded in 1998. The company develops and manufactures complex systems for the analysis of genetic diversity and biological functions. Illumina installations, in particular, are used for sequencing, genetic analysis, gene and protein expression, analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms, etc.
The HiSeqX Ten system, in fact, is a complex sequencer consisting of ten installations. Working in a complex, they allegedly allow for a complete study of five human genomes within a day. At the same time, the declared cost of the procedure will be only $ 1,000, which is not much for such an analysis. For comparison: less than ten years ago, you would have had to pay $250 thousand or more for this.
That's how the cost of genome–wide sequencing overtakes Moore's law - VM
Understanding how certain genes affect the development of diseases will allow us to develop more effective methods of treatment. In fact, HiSeq X Ten opens up opportunities for the formation of an extensive database of genomes.
Experts believe that the Illumina installations over the next few years will provide the same amount of invaluable information about the genetics of human diseases that has been accumulated over the entire history of modern medicine. A personalized approach to the treatment of patients with severe ailments will significantly increase the chances of recovery.
HiSeqX Ten in the minimum configuration of ten sequencers costs $10 million. Thus, each device is valued at $1 million. It is noted that three orders have already been made for the purchase of the system: the buyers were the company Macrogen, the Broad Institute in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA) and the Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Australia).
This year, according to Illumina estimates, five more HiSeqX Ten complexes will be implemented.
Prepared based on the materials of the company: Illumina Introduces the HiSeq X™ Ten Sequencing System.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru17.01.2014