From cybercrime to bioprime?
Hacking a bionic prosthesis, DNA intelligence, rhinovirus spam is not a complete list of crimes that await us in the probable future.
18.09.2017Hacking a bionic prosthesis, DNA intelligence, rhinovirus spam is not a complete list of crimes that await us in the probable future.
18.09.2017British scientists have criticized the truism: according to the authors of the article in the BMJ, a course of antibiotics in many cases can be drunk not to the end, but to relieve symptoms.
28.07.2017The article published in the British journal Lancet is provocative: the authors admit that they are building a theory based on statistical modeling.
24.07.2017The American billionaire and one of the founders of the PayPal payment system, Peter Thiel, invested $ 100,000 in the work of the laboratory of Harvard geneticist George Church.
03.07.2017The authors of the discovery of the "limit of life" consider the criticism of their work to be incorrect. They are sure that their opponents are using the wrong methods of analysis.
29.06.2017Having studied everything that can be obtained from anti-intoxicating drugs in South Korea, Lee and his colleagues created a recipe that combines the advantages of all other folk remedies.
27.06.2017Four weeks after the treatment of the incision site with polyethylene glycol, the rats were already taking steps, while the control rats were practically unable to move.
19.06.2017Scientists from BioQuark are preparing to resume dubious experiments on the "resurrection" of the brain of the deceased – this time in Latin America.
05.06.2017As part of a new experiment, biologists cut the spinal cord of mice completely – as it will happen during the procedure of transplantation of a human head.
22.02.2017Extracts from old or young relatives were added to the food of three model objects – yeast, fruit flies and mice. It turned out that all three species live longer on a "young" diet.
21.02.2017Some experts opposed the opinion of the authors, pointing out that the recommendations for admission are based on scientific data, others called the lack of vitamin D a pseudo-disease.
25.11.2016Microbiologist Gary King believes that the astronaut's corpse is an ideal container for delivering bacteria and a basic set of organic matter to distant planets.
01.11.2016The American startup Kernel has announced the beginning of the development of an implant to improve the memory and learning ability of people with disorders of these functions – for example, in Alzheimer's disease.
30.09.2016Now the head of Microsoft's bioinformatics department promises to create a molecular system in 5-10 years that will be able to detect cancer at an early stage.
22.09.2016In France, the book "Transhumanism. Should we be afraid of the future?", which immediately caused widespread controversy – from enthusiastic "pros" to categorical "cons".
02.09.2016The American startup Ambrosia has announced the start of paid clinical trials of rejuvenation techniques using blood plasma transfusion of young people.
23.08.2016If ever a person's life expectancy increases to several hundred years, it will entail a change in the entire way of life that we are accustomed to. The world will be different.
22.08.2016Over the past few years, scientific studies of electrical stimulation of the brain have demonstrated that it can improve many cognitive functions of healthy people.
15.07.2016The authors of the study obviously did not think about how growth factors affect life expectancy and the development of various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases.
17.06.2016A group of scientists hopes to restore some of the basic brain functions of patients diagnosed with brain death with the intention of restoring their ability to breathe independently.
03.06.2016You can write to the editor at:
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