V International Nanoindustry Exhibition "NTMEH-2008"
From November 10 to 12, 2008, the V International Nanoindustry Exhibition "NTMEH-2008" will be held in the Universal Exhibition Hall of the Moscow Government Building (Novy Arbat, 36/9) with the support of the Governments of Moscow and the Russian Federation.The specialized exhibition of nanoindustry "NTMEH", the only international exhibition today, covering all aspects of nanotechnology and materials from the formulation of tasks to technical implementation and industrial implementation, arousing wide interest not only among Russian industry specialists, but also foreign representatives of government, financial structures and business.
To date, Russian research teams have a high potential that allows them to create high-tech industries of the XXI century. A significant part of the developments at the level of an intelligent product can be implemented in industry and has prospects of entering the international financial market.
Over the past decades, a new direction has been formed in materials science related to the production and use of substances in the nanostate (when the size of the condensed phase in at least one direction decreases to hundreds and units of nanometers). The transition of almost all substances to the nanostate significantly changes its characteristics: electrical, magnetic, optical, mechanical, thermal, biological, etc., which makes it possible to create fundamentally new functional materials with unique consumer properties.
Scientific research and applied developments in the field of nanomaterials and technologies (particles, materials, devices) can become key for all scientific and technological progress in the XXI century. In all industrialized countries, this area has become a priority in recent years, especially in connection with the development of nanoelectronics and the miniaturization of industrial and household appliances and devices.
The four-year experience of the event has shown the expediency of holding problem-oriented exhibitions, seminars and conferences with the participation of leading scientists and specialists of public authorities and industrial enterprises of Moscow in order to identify the market investment prospects of innovative projects in the direction of "nanotechnology and nanomaterials".
The IV Specialized Exhibition of Nanotechnologies and Materials "NTMEH-2007", which was held last December in the modern Universal Exhibition Hall of the Moscow Government Building, occupied an exhibition area of about 1,000 square meters and had more than 70 participants, including academic research and higher education institutions, and world-famous industrial enterprises: Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Problems of Technologies of Microelectronics and High-Purity Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, P.A. Herzen Moscow Research Oncological Institute, SSC RF GIREDMET, A.A. Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FSUE EZAN, SSC RF - A.I. Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering and V.N. Orekhovich State Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, A.N. Bakulev Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, M.V. Moscow State University. Lomonosov and D.I. Mendeleev RCTU, Moscow Power Engineering Institute (TU), Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys (TU), Research Center for the Study of Surface and Vacuum Properties "NITSPV", CJSC "Nanotechnology MDT", NP "Nizhny Novgorod Regional Center of Nanoindustry", RSC "Kurchatov Institute" and many others. During its work, the exhibition was visited by about 6,000 specialists, including representatives of the embassies of Great Britain and Chile, representatives of the scientific circles of China, North Korea, the Czech Republic, Holland, America, and Italy.
The main objectives of the specialized exhibition are: to demonstrate the unique achievements of enterprises and research teams in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials, to promote their promotion to the international market, to expand the production of high-tech products and fundamentally new functional materials with unique consumer properties; to promote the introduction of nanotechnology in various fields of science, technology and production; to establish business contacts, attract domestic and foreign investments in this high-tech sector, assistance in the formation and implementation of national and regional programs on nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
The V International Nanoindustry Exhibition "NTMEH-2008" includes the following thematic sections:
- nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
- technology and equipment for the production of nanomaterials
- modules and original components based on nanomaterials
- nanotechnology services
- nanomaterials for components and microsystems
- application of nanotechnology in the fields of urban economy
- nanotechnology in pharmaceuticals
- finished products using nanotechnology and nanomaterials
As part of the eventful business program of the exhibition, events (7 round tables, presentations) will be held on the application of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in various industries, an overview of the current state and prospects in the nanoindustry, as well as an overview of the current state and prospects for the development of the industry in Russia and abroad.
Taking into account the huge interest in a new promising area of innovation activity, which is based on nanotechnology and nanomaterials in industrialized countries, as well as the presence of high achievements in this field of Russian scientists, we invite you to take part in the V International nanoindustry Exhibition "NTMEH-2008", and we are waiting for you at the exhibition and events of the business program.
Additional information is available on the exhibition website.
Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru27.06.2008