Genetically modified plants – now in Russia
In Russia, it will be allowed to sow GMOs
The first harvest is scheduled for 2016, reports .
Every year the number of natural products decreases, and this word disappears from their labels. Now the Russian government has decided to allow genetically modified seeds of grain crops to be used in agriculture. To this end, on September 23, a resolution was adopted, which was told by the representative of the sunflower oil producer Bunge at the conference "Agroholdings of Russia" Oleg Sukhanov. This resolution is gaining legal force from July 1, 2014, after which the registration of seeds will be carried out within two years. The first GM crop to be harvested in Russia in 2016-2017 will be soybeans.
At the moment, Russian legislation allows the cultivation of GM plants exclusively on experimental plots. It is also allowed to import 22 lines of such plants, although some agricultural holdings have used GM feed seeds quite actively before. All products that are based on GMO technologies are required to undergo special labeling in Russia. 1.5-2 years after the start of registration, the government will start issuing permits, the cost of which is not yet known.
CEO of the company "Proserno" Vladimir Petrichenko believes that soybeans, corn and sugar beet are the most promising GM crops for Russia. For example, it is worth saying that the cost of GM soybean seeds exceeds the usual 1.5 times (from 25,000 rubles per 1 ton), but allows you to reduce the cost of finished products by up to 20%. The volume of soybean harvests for the current year in Russia reached 0.97 tons per 1 ha, while in Argentina, Brazil and the USA, where GM soybeans are used, this amount reaches 2.5-3 tons.
However, experts are still confident that genetically modified products will not be able to displace conventional crops from the market yet, since the demand for natural products among consumers remains quite high.
GM seeds can be imported to the Russian market by companies such as Syngenta, Monsanto, KWS and Pioneer. Despite the fact that Russia is also striving for its own development of GM seeds at the Center for Bioengineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, their capacities are sufficient to meet current demand by only 30%.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru10.12.2013