Do you want to play nanoconstructor?
"Nanoconstructor" can now be downloaded for free
Since it was not clear to us whether it would be interesting to use the program or not, we put it in open access. Now "Nanoconstructor" can be downloaded for free and used without any restrictions. It is important for us to get feedback. If such programs are in demand, we will develop this direction."
Nanoconstructor is one of the directions of the nanoModel project, which provides access to computer models of nano- and micro-objects via the Internet. Unlike the main project, Nanoconstructor is a familiar Windows application.
The program includes the following modules:
- nanoparticles
- thin film
- self-organization in a drop
- nanopowders
- sintering
- diffusion
- ion beam
- optics
You can download "Nanoconstructor" for free on the nanoModel website. You can also find the user manual there.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru01.06.2012