Sociality, neoteny and longevity
Naked diggers and humans have an important common feature: neoteny, i.e. developmental delay, leading to the preservation of a number of childhood and even embryonic traits in adults.
07.03.2017Naked diggers and humans have an important common feature: neoteny, i.e. developmental delay, leading to the preservation of a number of childhood and even embryonic traits in adults.
07.03.2017Reducing the caloric content of food slows down protein synthesis, which makes it possible not to waste cell resources on the synthesis of new ribosomes, but to restore existing ones and maintain their efficiency.
20.02.2017The telomeres of women who sat 10-13 hours a day, on average, were 170 "letters" shorter than normal, which corresponds to about 9 years of additional biological age.
19.01.2017Scientists from America and the UK managed to characterize changes in the expression of more than 100 genes associated with aging in ten regions of the brain.
18.01.2017The researchers were able to detect one of the possible triggers of the inflammatory process preceding the development of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.
12.01.2017The new model will help to identify complications related to aging in a timely manner, such as stroke or diabetes mellitus, and offer a person measures to prevent them.
10.01.2017Scientists from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Texas at Austin conducted the largest study of age-related changes in the white matter of the brain.
19.12.2016Geneticists have found new evidence that a woman's life expectancy, as well as the time of birth of her last child, is reflected in the length of telomeres.
08.12.2016Despite a very strong increase in human life expectancy as a whole, the life expectancy of men still remains lower than that of women.
23.11.2016The telomeres of the study participants who gave birth to at least one child were on average 4% shorter than the telomeres of women who had never given birth.
10.11.2016The method of provoking premature cellular aging proposed by MSU scientists may be in demand in further studies of this cellular phenomenon.
08.11.2016An international team of scientists has found that a genetic predisposition to a high level of education is associated with an increase in life expectancy.
02.11.2016The HMGB2 gene and its associated protein are the "key" to triggering cellular mechanisms associated with the development of cancer and the negative effects of aging.
01.11.2016Scientists from the University of Edinburgh have presented the first complete study of environmental factors that increase the risk of dementia (senile dementia).
14.10.2016The maximum life expectancy has already been reached and is 115 years. The absolute limit is 125 years: the probability of finding a person who has lived to 125 is less than 1 in 10,000.
06.10.2016The stress suffered in childhood leads to accelerated telomere reduction. As a result, the cells age faster, and the person dies earlier than it could happen in other conditions.
04.10.2016A team of scientists from 7 countries has demonstrated that DNA methylation can not only determine a person's biological age, but also predict his life expectancy.
29.09.2016Old age impairs memory and slows down cognitive skills, however, a new study has shown that the brain has significant potential to reduce these effects.
16.09.2016Screening of small molecules based solely on the use of invertebrate models will not reveal all compounds that have a pronounced effect on mammalian aging.
14.09.2016The destruction of cells that have entered the phase of physiological aging with the help of senolytics reduces the manifestations of decrepitude and increases the duration of a healthy life.
13.09.2016You can write to the editor at:
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