04 May 2011

Developers of innovative medicines are offered help

BFC Severny is looking for innovative projects with export potentialThe biopharmaceutical cluster "Severny" on the basis of MIPT (BFC "Severny") informs the developers of innovative medicines about the opportunity to present their project on this topic – to assist in organizing financing and access to the necessary services and expertise of the international level.

In order to facilitate the interaction of entrepreneurs and BFC "Severny", an electronic form was created on the cluster's website, with the help of which any individual or legal entity can submit an application for consideration of the project to the Scientific Expert Council of BFC "Severny".

At the first stage, the project will undergo a preliminary examination, which will assess its originality, commercial potential, intellectual property rights, etc. A project that has successfully passed the first stage is sent for a more detailed examination, according to the results of which a final decision is made.

BFC "Severny" on the basis of MIPT has a set of international–level competencies that ensure the successful implementation of all stages of the development of new medicines - from early-stage research to commercialization and promotion of products to domestic and global markets. The services offered are primarily aimed at providing maximum practical assistance to developers of new medicines in the initial period of existence of a small innovative enterprise:

  • consulting services
  • assistance in the organization of training and retraining of personnel, professional development of specialists
  • preclinical and clinical research services
  • assistance in finding partners and investors
  • intellectual property protection
  • assistance in cooperation with regional and federal structures.

In our opinion, such support will significantly increase the chances of survival of a small enterprise and reduce its costs. Other positive aspects include the real possibility of commercialization of new technologies.

We accept projects from all regions of Russia, as well as near and far abroad.

After a thorough analysis of the information provided, the experts will definitely contact you.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru04.05.2011

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