Do you want to build a nanotechnology center?
The RUSNANO Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs announces an open competition for the selection of projects for the creation of nanotechnology centers and invites interested parties to participate.
The concept of creating RUSNANO nanotechnology centers - infrastructure complexes designed for commercialization of nanotechnology developments - was approved by the Supervisory Board of the corporation in October 2009. The document provides for the formation of a network of nanotechnology centers in the country based on a network of federal centers for collective use and scientific and educational centers, which are being created within the framework of the federal target program "Development of Nanoindustry Infrastructure for 2008-2010", as well as existing innovation infrastructure facilities. The key feature of RUSNANO nanotechnology centers is the concentration in one place of technological equipment and competencies for incubating small innovative companies (marketing, management and information support). To date, 2 competitions have already been held, according to the results of which 7 projects have been selected:
• "Idea Nanotechnology Center in Kazan";
• "Multifunctional Nanotechnology Center "Dubna";
• "Nano- and microsystem technology", (Zelenograd);
• "Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Center Sigma" (Novosibirsk/Tomsk);
• Ulyanovsk Nanotechnology Center, Ulyanovsk;
• Nanotechnology Center "TECHNOSPARK", Troitsk;
• Nanotechnology Center "Yekaterinburg", Yekaterinburg.
The winners of the competition are selected by the competition commission based on the results of scientific, technical and investment expertise. The teams of these projects should have sufficient professional knowledge and experience in the field of commercialization of research results, as well as appropriate financial, human and other necessary resources, as well as be supported by regional administrations. The winners of the competition will have the right to conclude an investment agreement with RUSNANO on the implementation of a project to create a nanotechnology center.
Notification of an open competition for the selection of projects for the creation of Nanotechnology centers
(within the framework of an investment agreement with the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs)
- The Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (10A, 60th Anniversary of October Avenue, Moscow, 117036), being both the Customer and the Organizer of the competition, hereby invites interested persons (hereinafter referred to as applicants, participants of the competition) to participate in an open competition for the selection of projects for the creation of Nanotechnology centers under an investment agreement with the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational programs (hereinafter referred to as the Fund).
- A detailed description of the project requirements and the terms of the investment agreement, as well as the procedure for conducting the tender, is contained in the Tender Documentation (.zip, 626 KB), which can be downloaded for free after filling out the registration form.
- Any legal entity, including foreign legal entities, can participate in the competition. A participant who is fully legally capable, has sufficient professional knowledge and experience in the field of commercialization of research results, as well as appropriate financial, personnel and other necessary resources can claim victory in this competition. In more detail, the requirements for participants, as well as the procedure for confirming compliance with these requirements, are determined by the Tender Documentation.
- To participate in the competition, it is necessary to submit a Tender application in a timely manner, prepared in accordance with the procedure established by the Tender Documentation.
- Bids are submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Tender Documentation by 12:00 (Moscow time) on April 7, 2011 at the address of the technical consultant for the competition: Energoservice – Contest CJSC, 93 Vernadsky Ave., building 1, office 220, Moscow, 119526. The procedure for their public opening will take place at 16:00 (Moscow time) on April 7, 2011 at the address of the Organizer of the contest. This procedure may be attended by one representative of the bidder who submitted the tender application in a timely manner.
- The winners of the competition will be the participants who have offered the best conditions in accordance with the Competition documentation. The number of winners of the competition will be determined by the Competition Commission depending on the investment attractiveness, the degree of technical and scientific study of the submitted applications and their number in accordance with the Fund's expenditure plan for financing projects to create Nanotechnology centers in the corresponding year.
- The initial (limit) price of the competition has not been set.
- It is assumed that the holding of the competition and the signing of protocols on its results between the Organizer of the competition and the Winners will take place in the II quarter of 2011 at the Organizer's address.
- The organizer of the contest has the right to refuse to hold it at any time before summing up the results of the contest, without incurring any liability to the Participants of the contest or third parties to whom such an action may cause losses.
- An investment agreement based on the results of the tender between the Customer and the Winner of the tender will be concluded within 90 calendar days after the approval of the transaction by the Supervisory Board of Rosnanotech GC, based on the Protocol on the results of the tender signed by this Winner and the Organizer of the tender.
- The remaining and more detailed terms of the tender are contained in the Tender Documentation, which is an integral annex to this Notice. The organizer of the competition does not assume any obligations to the participants who will not receive the Tender Documentation in the above manner.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru17.02.2011