25 December 2019

Follicle Simulator

A new way to stop baldness has been found

Polina Gershberg, Naked Science

Scientists from the USA have discovered a new structure, understanding the work of which will help develop new ways to combat baldness. An article about this was published in the journal Science (Heitman et al., Dermal sheath contraction powers stem cell niche relocation during hair cycle regression).

Each new hair on our head is formed thanks to the so–called papillae of the dermis - areas of dermal tissue that nourish the hair bulb. Papillary cells are able to induce the formation of new hair follicles, triggering the differentiation of stem cells in the epidermis. When this intercellular interaction is disrupted, new hair does not grow instead of the fallen ones.


Studying the mechanisms of interaction of papillary cells with stem cells, scientists have discovered that the dermal membrane surrounding the hair follicles is a smooth muscle, the main function of which is to pull the papillae of the dermis to the hair bulb. Probably, the dermal membrane plays an important role in the process of hair loss, pushing its shaft up and freeing up space for the start of new hair growth. If the frequency of this process becomes too high, baldness begins.

This discovery makes it possible to change the approach to the prevention and treatment of baldness. Blocking the dermal membranes is not able to stimulate the growth of new hair, but makes it possible to preserve those that have already grown longer. "This type of muscle cannot be controlled voluntarily, they are like muscles in blood vessels," says the study's lead author Michael Rendle, "but we can control them with medications."

The effect on the dermal membrane makes it possible not only to stop the growth cycle, but to preserve the hair as long as possible and prevent regression of the hair follicle. By influencing this muscle, dermatologists will be able to prevent the follicles from going into a dormant state in which the hair follicles do not give new hair.

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