19 May 2023

Vitamin A and D deficiencies increased the risk of tics and attention deficit disorder in children

Deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins A and D in children provoked the appearance of tic disorders, which were often accompanied by attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. It is necessary to determine vitamin A and D levels in clinical practice in patients suffering from tics.

Researchers at Jilin University Hospital measured serum vitamin A and D levels in children with ticotic disorders aged 5-12 years and assessed the possible association of hypovitaminosis with the development of the disorder and concomitant attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The findings were published in the journal European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
Children with tics and ADHD had markedly reduced blood levels of vitamins A and D compared with healthy participants. Mean vitamin A and D levels in the study group were 1.09 μmol/L and 21 ng/ml, and in the control group were 1.23 μmol/L and 24 ng/ml, respectively.

Participants with tics had lower concentrations of circulating retinol and a higher prevalence of vitamin deficiency or deficiency (approximately 46%) compared with healthy children (27%). The proportion of participants with vitamin D deficiency in the ticotic group was 15% higher than in the control group.

Children with ticotic disorders and concomitant ADHD were found to have more pronounced decreases in circulating retinol and 25(OH)D concentrations and an increased incidence of vitamin D deficiency compared with children with tics alone. The authors found a clear association of lower serum retinol levels with the presence of a more severe tic disorder and concomitant ADHD.

The study group included 176 children with ticosis disorder. The mean age of the participants was nine years old. The control group included 154 healthy children. Circulating retinol (vitamin A) and 25-hydroxycalciferol (vitamin D) levels were measured in all participants.

The authors believe that clinicians should consider the usefulness of blood tests for vitamin A and D levels in children with chronic ticosis.
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