Crowdfunding platform for research in the field of aging Officially Launches, Crowdfunding the Development of a Cure for Aging.
What if old age is a disease and you can fight it? A detailed analysis of advanced research shows that such a hypothesis is not far from the truth.
30 November 2016The intestinal microflora transforms the compound contained in pomegranates into urolitin A, which protects muscles from one of the main causes of aging – the accumulation of non-functional mitochondria.
14 July 2016A group of physiologists from Harvard University has once again confirmed the important role of GDF11 (growth differentiation factor) and GDF8 (myostatin) proteins for the rejuvenation of the body.
23 October 2015The weakening and atrophy of muscles in old age is caused by the transcription factor ATF4, the activity of which can be suppressed with the help of compounds contained in apples and green tomatoes.
14 September 2015Experiments on rodents using the blood of young animals for rejuvenation have shown excellent results – unfortunately, not always confirmed by other groups of scientists. But the study of the tempting method continues.
08 July 2015You can write to the editor at:
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