14 July 2016

The secret of the benefits of pomegranates

Swiss researchers from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne and Amazentis have discovered the secret of the beneficial effect of pomegranates. It turned out that the compound contained in this fruit under the action of intestinal microflora is transformed into urolitin A, which gives muscle cells the ability to protect themselves from one of the main causes of aging. In experiments on nematodes and rodents, urolitin A demonstrated very impressive results.

As we age, it becomes increasingly difficult for our cells to recycle worn and damaged mitochondria, which gradually accumulate inside the cell. This degradation worsens the condition of many tissues, including muscle, the strength of which weakens with age. It is believed that non-functional mitochondria are involved in the development of age-related diseases, such as Parkinson's disease.

The authors found that the all-natural compound urolitin A is able to restore the ability of cells to process defective mitochondria, known as mitophagy.

For the initial testing of the hypothesis, the researchers used C.elegans nematodes, which are a very popular model for studying aging, since already at the age of 8-10 days they are considered old. Under the action of urolitin A, the life expectancy of nematodes increased by 45% compared to individuals of the control group.

These promising results prompted the authors to conduct experiments on animals whose physiology is closer to human. Just like in nematodes, the number of mitochondria in mouse cells significantly decreased under the action of urolitin A, which indicated the activation of the process of their processing. In 2-year-old elderly mice, exposure to urolitin A improved running endurance by 42% compared to control group animals of the same age.

Before you start to lean on pomegranates, it should be clearly understood that this fruit does not contain urolitin A, but its predecessor, which transforms into a cherished compound under the action of intestinal microflora. Therefore, the amount of urolitin A produced in the intestine can vary very widely depending on the type of organism and the characteristics of its intestinal microbiome. In some people, this compound is not produced at all, which deprives pomegranate juice of most of its useful properties.

The authors are currently working on a solution to this problem. They have already proposed a method for the exact dosage of urolitin A and are conducting the first clinical studies of this drug in European clinics.

Article by Dongryeol Ryu et al. Urolithin A induces mitophagy and prolongs lifespan in C. elegans and increases muscle function in rodents is published in the journal Nature Medicine.

Evgeniya Ryabtseva
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne: Pomegranate finally reveals its powerful anti-aging secret.


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