Resuscitation of the industry
The new medicine should be better than the Soviet one
As it turns out, we already have the best doctors, and there are a lot of them. It's up to the system.
In Moscow, the best doctors were awarded the awards of the National Medical Chamber. But, noting the most outstanding thing in Russian medicine, the leading doctors of the country, gathered at the 3rd congress of the National Medical Chamber, reminded the authorities of serious problems that still have to be solved.
The queue? Poorly treated!It is noteworthy that the awards were received not by metropolitan, but by rural doctors and doctors from the regions.
For example, in the nomination "Zemsky Doctor", the winners were Nadezhda Daryina, a general practitioner of the Dobrinsky interdistrict hospital of the Lipetsk region, and Sergey Ermakov, a doctor of the Shablykin CRH of the Oryol region. Their life stories are similar – both after graduation immediately went to work in the village, where they work to this day and do not regret it. The words of Nadezhda Alekseevna should be hung in a prominent place in every district polyclinic: "If a doctor has a queue of patients in front of the office who come back and come back with their illnesses, it means they were poorly treated."
Of course, we have many more doctors who deserve the highest award.
"Our state should express gratitude to our doctors, – Evgeny Chazov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chief Cardiologist of the Ministry of Health. – At the end of the last century, Russia was on the verge of death. We had an unprecedented high mortality rate and a low birth rate. But we got out of this difficult situation. Today we are approaching the indicators that were under the Soviet regime. We can take a lot from those years. After all, the World Health Organization then, in 1978, recognized our healthcare as the best in the world. We haven't reached those death and birth rates yet. And although we were able to stand on the edge of the abyss and not die, we still have a lot of work ahead of us. We still have issues that need to be resolved. We have to work for our patients."
Nevertheless, despite the selfless work of many doctors, only 30-40% of Russians are satisfied with medical care, according to Leonid Roshal, head of the National Medical Chamber. The reasons are often not in the doctors themselves, but in the poor organization of medical care in the regions. And this is a question for health care managers. The Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova also agreed that there are still many unresolved problems. One of the main ones is the unequal availability of modern medical care for people from remote regions and residents of large cities.
Medicine is not only for elites"There have been obvious positive developments in recent years," said Veronika Skvortsova, head of the Ministry of Health.
– For women, we have now reached the highest indicator of life expectancy – 76.5 years. For men, the indicator is lower so far. In 2012, we achieved the highest rates of infant, child and maternal mortality in the entire history of the country. Stroke mortality has almost halved. We have increased the proportion of oncological diseases detected at an early stage. That is, the number of people who are potentially curable from cancer has increased. But can we say today that we have the healthcare system we want to have? Of course not. We, professionals, like no one else, know all the defects of the existing system.
What needs to be done to fulfill what sounded in the president's message and what the country expects from us – the best healthcare system in the world? The country is waiting for a healthcare system, on the one hand – based on our noble and humanistic traditions and on the Soviet system when everything was free, when, regardless of their social and material status, every citizen of the country could receive a guaranteed amount of medical care. On the other hand, we have to improve what was in Soviet times. Because medicine has gone far ahead during this time, biomedicine has developed, new technologies are emerging that did not exist even 10 years ago – cellular, tissue. Personalized medicine, when drug therapy and prevention are selected for each patient on the basis of an individual genetic code. But new technologies are very expensive. How can we make them the property of every citizen, and not just of the elite elite of society? That's what we all have to work on together."
It remains only to wish that these wonderful words of the Minister did not diverge from the case. For example, according to official data of the Ministry of Health, the average salary of a doctor is now about 40 thousand rubles, a paramedic – 24 thousand rubles. And in reality, in many regions, doctors working in rural hospitals, in ambulances and in paramedic-obstetric stations receive 8-15 thousand rubles. In such conditions, no matter how much doctors would like to help people, ease their suffering from diseases, you will think first of all how to save your family from a semi-impoverished existence.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru23.04.2014