24 November 2008

A clean liver is the key to health

The main mystery of our body sits in the right sideTatiana Bateneva, "News of Science"

One of the main mysteries of our body sits in the right side.

The liver is the stove of the body. It burns fat by heating us. And like a stove, it can burn out from excessive drunkenness and gluttony. But it is - and this is a miracle - like no other organ is able to recover practically from the ashes.

Multitouch in a stupor

It is difficult to imagine how many different functions the liver performs. It is involved in more than 500 different reactions. Filters blood and stores hemoglobin, vitamins, sugar. Neutralizes many hormones and produces blood clotting factors. It releases bile without respite - up to one liter per day. And this allows you to break down and digest the fats contained in food.

Heats up the blood, thereby heating all the remote corners of the body. Carries out border guard service - protects the body from poisonous and malicious penetrations. Stop her work - and in a few hours a person will die from severe poisoning.

But since the liver performs many different jobs, it can suffer from many reasons. And the first of them is a lack of discipline. Imagine a dispatcher who simultaneously monitors many technical processes. The success of his work depends on the accuracy and clarity of actions. Well, what if you start distracting him with phone calls, turning on the TV, offering to drink tea and drive a party to checkers? After half an hour of such bedlam, he will definitely screw up everything that can be screwed up.

And we strain our hardworking liver as much as we can. Then we will overload with fatty food. Then we'll pour alcohol. Then we will hit with stress. Then we will starve... And then we are surprised that "the liver is floundering."

The Era of Stagnation

Most often, the liver suffers from careless and improper nutrition. Excess fat, sweet, fried, violations of the regime lead to biliary dyskinesia. Simply put, bile will be produced by the liver not when it is necessary for proper digestion, but chaotically. Because of this, it will stagnate in the gallbladder. Because of the stagnation, pebbles will appear in it. Because of both, liver activity will decrease. Her cells will begin to regenerate, and complete fibrosis will occur - one of the most dangerous liver diseases.

Another option is if you overload the liver with various harmful substances. And it's not just alcohol. It can also be medications that you take all the time. And all kinds of varnishes, paints, glue, gasoline and other fuels that you inhale by work or by life. And what you smoke. And toxins that can be produced in the diseased intestines or get into the food. These effects lead to inflammation - hepatitis and even cirrhosis, another tragic ending for the liver.

Not to mention the special "fighters" who destroy the liver with precision - various types of viral hepatitis and other non-specific viruses. After all, they all destroy the cells of our body, and the liver has to filter these decay products again.

Surprisingly, with all this, the liver practically does not send SOS signals, that is, it does not hurt. There are almost no nerve endings in it. And if you experience discomfort in the right hypochondrium, so it hurts the unfortunate gallbladder. And if it hurts, you should not drink no-shpu, but run to a gastroenterologist. Maybe we can save this bubble without surgery. After all, he is also needed.

Fatty is at hand

The liver is silent even when the sad process of obesity begins in it. At first, excess fat from food simply accumulates in its cells, which the liver does not have time to break down and process. Then there is not enough space in the cells, and fat is stored in the intercellular space.

This process occurs especially often in people with excess weight - two out of every three. Then the liver becomes inflamed, increases in size, scars appear in it. Naturally, she can no longer work normally.

At the same time, cholesterol levels and blood pressure increase, and type 2 diabetes mellitus may develop.

Long-term fatty hepatosis can also turn into cirrhosis - a deadly disease and without any alcohol.

How will the liver calm down?

Doctors don't offer us anything new here either. The liver loves order and moderation in everything.

Observe the daily routine, and especially the diet.

Do not overeat, it is better to eat 4-5 times a day a little than once as a boa constrictor.

Do not get carried away with fatty foods, replace animal fats with vegetable fats. The daily fat allowance for a modern citizen is no more than 80 g (including all fats contained in sausages, pates, salads and used for cooking, bread, etc.).

Sweets are often replaced with fruits, dried fruits, honey. Rich pastries - coarse bread, crackers. Potatoes and porridges are vegetables.

Try to eat regularly, at the same time.

Do not eat at night, the last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Do not forget about fermented milk products, preferably with reduced fat content.

Use medications-hepatoprotectors, that is, those that help the liver work and protect its cells

Dry cleaning with a fatal outcome

In recent years, many publications and TV programs popularizing folk and pseudo-folk medicine have been praising the methods of "cleansing the liver" in every way. Unfortunately, doctors do not keep statistics on the victims of this amateur activity. But they tell about the tragic finales of the struggle for purity regularly.

The reason is that tubage (this is what the procedure for expelling bile from the gallbladder is called, and not from the liver at all) can be done only after a medical examination and only under the supervision of a doctor. Tubage is prescribed to patients with biliary dyskinesia or atony ("laziness") of the gallbladder. But if there are stones in the gallbladder, such a procedure can move them from their place. A large stone can block the way for the outflow of bile - acute inflammation, severe pain will occur, and without surgery such a patient can easily die.

Expensive spas and many sanatoriums offer tubing in their wellness programs. It would seem that there are doctors here, and the necessary diagnostic equipment is available. But even here there is a share of guile. The fact is that the tube is effective for long courses - 10-15 procedures for several months. And those 2-3 sessions that can be taken in a sanatorium, or a single procedure in a SPA will not give exactly anything. So, another relatively honest way to lighten the client's wallet.

And competent doctors believe that the tube is not needed at all. Instead, you need to adjust your diet and lifestyle. And the work of the gallbladder and liver will return to normal by itself.

Every second

In 2007, a large epidemiological study of liver health among Russians was conducted. It was attended by more than 30 thousand people from 28 major cities.

Doctors found overweight in 42% of the surveyed.
Every second person was diagnosed with liver disease.
One in four has obese liver.
One in five has alcoholic liver damage.

It will be too much.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru24.11.2008

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