General medical examination: what, when and how much
What and at what age to be tested for
Alexandra Zhukovskaya
Many diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, and modern diagnostic technologies actively contribute to this. Therefore, regularly visiting doctors, even if there are no complaints, is a worthwhile thing. At the same time, there is a fine line between reasonable prevention and overdiagnosis (an erroneous conclusion about the presence of a disease), which can cause a lot of harm. To date, it is not easy to navigate the proposed variety of preventive measures. It is important to protect yourself from consultations, examinations and analyses that are commercially profitable for clinics, but not always medically expedient. And you should not go to do an MRI of the whole body on your own and donate blood to all existing cancer markers. At the same time, it is necessary not to miss those events whose effectiveness has been proven.
After analyzing many foreign and domestic sources, we tried to compile a list of preventive examinations recommended by doctors from different countries, including Russian specialists. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that this list is compiled for practically healthy people. Obviously, for each individual, the list needs to be supplemented in accordance with the state of health, lifestyle, existing chronic diseases and other individual factors. Therefore, it is better to start taking care of your health with a visit to a general practitioner. This may be a district therapist of a district polyclinic or a specialist of a health center (health centers have started their work in every district of Moscow since 2010).
In Russia, recently, anyone can undergo a medical examination for free once every three years. In order to do this, you need to contact the registry of the polyclinic to which the person is attached. At the same time, in accordance with the current legislation (Article 24, paragraph 5), the employer cannot refuse to release his employee for a medical examination. The Russian plan of medical examination of the adult population is somewhat broader than foreign analogues.
Lists of examinations recommended depending on gender and age, with detailed explanations (including what examinations you are required to do for free), can be downloaded in the original article on Medportal.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru31.01.2014