16 May 2023

Alcohol use and risk of heart failure

At the annual conference of the European Society of Cardiology HFA-ESC 2022 the results of the secondary analysis of the results of STOP-HF study, where the dynamics of CHF course depending on alcohol consumption were evaluated.

As a result, it was shown that moderate or significant alcohol consumption (>70 g of ethanol per week, which is approximately equivalent to 1 bottle of wine) was associated with a significant increase in the risk of progression from preclinical CHF to clinically manifest CHF.

The effect on increased risk of manifest CHF was confirmed by echocardiographic findings: decreased left ventricular ejection fraction or increased marker of diastolic dysfunction, in moderate alcohol drinkers was noted significantly more frequently. Similar results were demonstrated when moderate and heavy alcohol consumption were analyzed separately.

Source: https://digital-congress.escardio.org/Heart-Failure/sessions/4117-heart-failure-is-a-complex-syndrom...
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