22 November 2013

What is periodontitis and how to deal with it

Don't miss periodontitis

Alexander Orlov, doctor, magazine "60 years is not an age"
Published in the online magazine "Third Age"The most common disease found in dentistry is periodontitis – inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth (periodontal) with subsequent destruction of the ligaments of the tooth with the bone tissue of the jaw.

The main cause of periodontitis, as well as other gum diseases, is the stagnation of blood in periodontal tissues resulting from the intake of soft, refined food that does not cause the necessary load on the jaws. Stagnation of blood creates a good breeding ground for infection living in dental calculi, and prevents the delivery of immune cells to the sites of infection.

At an early stage, the symptoms of periodontitis are almost invisible, but over time, symptoms appear that should alert. Let's consider the main ones.

Bleeding gums when brushing teethPossible reason.

This symptom most likely indicates gingivitis, an early stage of periodontitis. Inflammation can develop painlessly, and can cause pain in the gum area, redness, swelling and bleeding. As a rule, it passes without violating the integrity of the dental joint. The cause of inflammation is the formation of plaque – a hard "putty" of proteins, carbohydrates and pathogens, which is firmly glued to the tooth. Plaque is not washed off by saliva or mouthwash. Microorganisms multiply on it, dead cells are delayed, mineral salts are deposited from saliva and food residues accumulate. Gradually, it hardens and turns into tartar, which irritates the gum mucosa and increases inflammation.

What to do? If gingivitis is not treated, it can lead to further progression of the disease.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully observe oral hygiene. To do this, it is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day – in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. Recall that the brush should be directed from top to bottom (to the cutting surfaces of the teeth) and from bottom to top. The procedure should take at least 5-6 minutes.

If, due to the peculiarities of metabolism, plaque forms very quickly, it is advisable to brush your teeth (or at least rinse your mouth thoroughly) after each meal. In addition, the interdental spaces should be cleaned daily with special dental floss (floss). Just do not try to use a regular thread – this way you can easily injure the gum. Sometimes, to clean the interdental spaces, the doctor advises to purchase a special brush with a set of replaceable brushes for it.

Burning and itching in the mouth, pain and bleeding gums when brushing teeth and chewing solid food (especially if it is cold, hot, sour or sweet). Possible reason.

This happens when, in the absence of treatment, inflammation passes from the surface of the gums to all the tissues surrounding and fixing the teeth in the jaw bones, that is, the next stage of periodontitis develops. As a result, the destruction of the dentoalveolar junction and interalveolar septa occurs, which can lead to tooth loss.

What to do?It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment with a periodontist.

First of all, you need to remove the tartar – it is better by ultrasound, this is the most modern and painless method.

To reduce the sensitivity of teeth, it is necessary to choose a toothpaste containing fluoride and glycerophosphate (on imported toothpastes should be marked sensitive). The ideal option is to alternate daily cleansing and anti–inflammatory pastes containing medicinal substances and stopping the inflammatory process in the gums. You can apply both pastes at the same time. After thorough brushing of teeth, it is recommended to massage the gums: squeeze out a little paste on your finger and massage the gums in circular movements.

The choice of a toothbrush is also important. She should clean her teeth well, so it's better if she's tough. At first, there may be some increase in bleeding gums, but over time this will pass, because good care will remove inflammation – the cause of bleeding. It is necessary to change the brush every six weeks, because during this time it wears out and the bristles become soft, and most importantly, germs accumulate on the bristles.

The cleaning surface of the brush should be small, and the handle should be slightly curved, then it will be easier to "bring" the brush to the surfaces of the back teeth and other hard–to-reach places of the oral cavity. It is desirable that the bristles are divided into separate smaller bundles – this design helps to better clean teeth from all sides.

It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with infusions of calamus, aloe, kalanchoe, calendula, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, pine, yarrow, sage, eucalyptus. These plants have powerful hemostatic, tanning and anti-inflammatory properties. Such rinsing should be intense enough that the solution foams in the mouth.

Inflammation and bleeding of the gums, pain when pressing, bad breath, mobility of teeth.Possible reason.

This indicates the next stage of periodontitis, when the gaps between the teeth increase, the teeth are exposed and begin to wobble. In the future, dental pockets may form, suppuration, loosening and loss of teeth may appear. All this can be complicated by abscesses (purulent inflammation of tissues) and fistulas on the gums, periostitis (inflammation of the periosteum) and lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph glands).

Periodic exacerbations of periodontitis are accompanied by general malaise and fever. In a neglected state, it can cause much more serious problems, including an increase in blood sugar levels, the possibility of a heart attack and stroke.

Heredity, disorders of the nervous system, gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, as well as allergic and infectious diseases, a lack of vitamins in food play a significant role in the disease of periodontitis.

What to do?It is urgent to contact a periodontist.

The doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, taking into account the degree of the disease and your general condition. This can be taking antibiotics and vitamins, electrophoresis, hydro massage, washing of gingival pockets with medicinal solutions, applications with anti-inflammatory infusions. Do not be surprised if you are sent to a gastroenterologist or cardiologist. Sometimes it is necessary to undergo a parallel course of treatment of chronic diseases that aggravate the course of periodontitis.

After the treatment, you can do gum massage at home. Buy a special nozzle at the pharmacy, screw it on the water tap. The water temperature should be comfortable – not too cold and not too hot. Direct the thin trickles from the tip to the gums. Gradually, the water pressure can be increased. This hydro massage cleans the interdental spaces, improves blood circulation of periodontal tissues and saturates them with oxygen.

Be attentive to yourself, do not allow the development of gum disease. At the first signs of periodontitis, immediately contact a periodontist.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru22.11.2013

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