Workaholism is dangerous for your health
To work!Alexey Vodovozov, ABC magazine
Summer didn't work out this year.
The center of Russia overheated and inhaled smoke, and Siberia froze. In general, those who were not lucky enough to go on vacation could not relax. But there will be no less difficult working season. What kind of trouble can we expect?
Over the norm"There is always more work than working time," says the popular wisdom.
And many have to stay late in the evening, show up at the office on weekends or even spend the night there during the holidays.
Meanwhile, as scientists at the University of Massachusetts found, people working overtime were 61% more likely to get sick and injured in the workplace than those who sat in the office only "from call to call".
Regardless of the working regime (in one or two shifts, with one or two days off), a working day of 12 hours or more increases this risk by a third. A 60-hour work week (for example, a six-day 10-hour week) is dangerous with a 23% increase in this possibility. At the same time, there is no dependence on the nature of the work performed. Scientists consider a 48-hour week to be the maximum permissible.
Men suffer more from working at night or on a rolling schedule. They were much more likely to complain about stress and problems in their personal lives.
What to do. Rationally plan your time, with age, give up irregular working days and daily shifts, especially a day or two later. Only a young organism can cope with such a regime.
Without sleep and restIf the way to the place of work takes 1.5-2 hours in one direction, the second problem joins – lack of sleep.
After all, you have to get up at 7, or even at 6 o'clock in the morning every day, and go to bed well after midnight.
According to Dutch scientists, the average manager sleeps 19% less than the recommended eight-hour norm. And 40% of respondents in a survey conducted in 5 countries of the world called the crisis situation in the global economy the main reason for lack of sleep.
Chronobiologists estimate that 70 million people suffer from lack of sleep in the USA, 40 million in the UK. No one has counted the Russian sufferers yet, but it is a fact that we are moving in the same direction.
The existence of "owls" and "larks" is a scientifically proven fact. And if a representative of the "owls" is forced to work early in the morning, he drives himself into a state of chronic stress. About the same way the "lark" feels on night duty.
What to do. Remember that it is physiologically impossible to get enough sleep on the weekend for the whole week. Try to make the most of the time allotted by nature for sleep. If possible, adjust your work schedule to your internal biological clock. This will help to save a few years of life.
We sit wellPhysical inactivity, or lack of physical activity, is a real scourge of many modern workers.
Computer, refrigerator, coffee maker, toilet – everything is within walking distance.
Meanwhile, an article published in one of the most authoritative medical publications in the world – the British Medical Journal (BMJ), proves that the lack of proper physical activity has a worse effect on health than even being overweight. Inactivity more often than obesity causes atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
The minimum of physical activity is a half–hour walk 5 times a week, but the British calculated that 9 out of 10 people do not perform it either.
What to do. Interrupt your work with "physical training minutes", buy a home simulator or a subscription to a fitness club, or just walk more often.
by the wayNights at the computer triple the risk of mental disorders
This result was obtained by scientists from the George Institute for Global Health in Sydney. The results of the work are published in the journal Sleep. A summary is given by the Telegraph newspaper on September 2 (Sleep-deprived teenagers 'triple chances of mental illness' by spending nights online).
Among those who sleep less than six hours a day, more than half suffer from some kind of mental health disorders. Among those who devote 8-9 hours of sleep every day, only a quarter of people face similar problems. In addition, lack of sleep significantly worsens the prognosis of the development of already formed deviations.
In the general population, sleep duration is increasing, while young people have been sleeping less and less in recent decades. According to the head of the study, Professor Nick Glozier, the reason for chronic lack of sleep among college-age Australians is that there are now too many different gadgets in their bedrooms, which were not in the old days, and the start time of study remains just as early.
It is known that lack of sleep has a serious negative impact on the psyche. Circadian rhythms are disrupted, anxiety, depression and various emotional disorders occur.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru03.09.2010