05 February 2008

Diet against cardiovascular diseases

The Journal of the American Dietetic Association (Journal of the American Dietetic Association) has published the results of a comprehensive review of dietary factors contributing to the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

As part of the review, a group of experts led by Linda Van Horn, professor at Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois) and editor-in-chief of the journal, analyzed the results of more than 150 research papers and other scientific publications. The data obtained formed the basis of scientifically based recommendations on patient counseling for nutritionists and other healthcare professionals.

The experts analyzed the current state of research aimed at studying the effectiveness of food, nutrients and micronutrients in reducing risk factors for cardiovascular diseases while meeting the nutritional needs of patients and identified areas that need further development.

The authors state that as part of their work, they identified many dietary factors that affect the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, to optimize the state of the cardiovascular system, they recommend the selection of an individual diet for each patient.

The review offers a number of "dietary solutions", including a diet that meets a number of parameters:

– low content of saturated fatty acids (refractory animal fats), trans-isomers of fatty acids (margarine, spreads, etc.) and cholesterol;

– abundance of dietary fiber with a predominant content of soluble fibers;

– the presence of vitamin D and low-fat dairy products and/or other sources of calcium;

– a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants of plant origin;
(Of the huge number of phytocommunications, alkaloids, terpene compounds have the greatest pharmacological activity: essential oils, resins and balms, terpenes, glycosides, steroid saponins, carotenoids, etc., and phenolic compounds: flavonoids – catechins, anthocyanins, flavones, phenols, isoflavones, etc., coumarins, lignans, tannins.)

– low sodium content;

– inclusion in the diet in cases of high risk of developing diseases of plant sterols and stanols (compounds similar in molecular structure to cholesterol and preventing its absorption by intestinal cells);

– maintaining a normal body weight by increasing physical activity and getting an adequate amount of calories into the body.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of ScienceDaily.


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