22 April 2009

Genes that prevent aging are being sought

Scientists from the University of Liverpool have developed a method that allows you to identify the genes involved in protecting the body from the aging process. The developed method will help to better understand the aging process and the use of means to prevent it by identifying genes – biological markers of aging. The method is based on the assumption that some genes respond to age-related changes in the cell by changing the expression (intensity of synthesis) of the encoded protein, which allows the body to cope with aging more effectively.

Dr. Joao Pedro Magalhaes and his colleagues from the University School of Biological Sciences used for meta-analysis 27 databases containing information obtained using microchips about the work of more than five million genes in mice, rats and humans. The new analysis algorithm applied by the authors allows us to get a general picture of how the genes of all cells of the animal and human body react to the aging process. Similar techniques have been used previously to study the molecular characteristics that change in cancer, but this is the first time the technique has been used to study the aging process.

The main result of the work is the identification of genes common to humans and rodents, the activity of which changes during aging. 56 of them increase protein expression, and 17 others decrease activity. The results of the study suggest that genes are able to adapt to aging, participate in the protection of the body during this process and even slow it down. Thus, despite the fact that the aging of the body is a natural process, there are also natural mechanisms that work in the opposite direction.

In addition, it was found that some genes that were not previously associated with aging become more active with age. They can serve as biomarkers of the aging process, and an analysis of their work will help to better understand the biological mechanism of protection against aging.

The results of the work are published in the journal Bioinformatics (Meta-analysis of age-related gene expression profiles identifies common signatures of aging).

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of PhysOrg: Study identifies genes that protect against aging


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