25 May 2023

Found a way to predict asthma attacks

Specialists at the Far Eastern Research Center for Respiratory Physiology and Pathology have learned to diagnose so-called cold hyperreactivity syndrome, an asthmatic's excessive reaction to cold.

Russian scientists managed to find a quick way to predict choking attacks, and it can be done on an ordinary visit to the clinic, without using special tools and sophisticated research methods, said "Gazeta.ru" referring to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Approximately two-thirds of bronchial asthma patients have a hypertrophic bronchial reaction to cold. Choking attacks are dangerous due to a loss of control over the course of the disease and are associated with increasing shortness of breath, coughing and discomfort in the chest, all of which lead to limitations on physical activity and performance.

Until now, doctors have used a complicated test for diagnosis, accompanied by hyperventilation with cold air, which was performed only by narrow specialists in a specialized medical institution. This test did not rule out an inaccurate diagnosis.

Meanwhile, the method proposed by scientists from the Far East is based on a mathematical model that estimates the probability of developing a cold syndrome according to several parameters. The patient must fill out two questionnaires in the presence of a doctor, and then the mathematical model will help determine the presence of cold airway hyperresponsiveness.

The method has already been tested in clinical trials, implemented and successfully used. The prediction accuracy exceeds 90 percent.
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