20 October 2020

Instant test

Singapore scientists have developed a new test that determines coronavirus infection by breathing


Scientists from Singapore have presented a new test with which it is possible to determine the presence of a coronavirus infection in a person by his breathing in less than a minute, according to the website of the developer company Breathonix.


The diagnostic test kit, created by the type of breathalyzer, was developed by a subsidiary of the National University of Singapore (NUS) – Breathonix.

The first clinical trials, which involved 180 patients from the National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID), showed a 90% accuracy of the studies. According to scientists, over the next few months, the test will be tested on 600 more volunteers.

Dr. Jia Zhongan, Executive Director of Breathonix, noted that the use of the new tester does not require special trained personnel, diagnostics can be carried out in the busiest places, such as airports. To do the test, a person needs to blow into a disposable mouthpiece connected to a high-precision breath sampler, which generates the result in less than a minute.

Unlike the currently existing methods for detecting coronavirus, the development of Singaporean scientists does not detect viral fragments, but registers changes in the chemical composition of human respiration. It can be used to determine whether a person is healthy or not, as well as the nature of his illness, since the composition of breathing varies with different ailments.

Dr. Jia Zhongan said that similar tests are currently available to diagnose diseases such as asthma and infections of Helicobacter pylori – a gastric disease.

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