22 September 2015

Pancreas for everyday wear

The artificial pancreas has been working for three months

"Scientific Russia" Scientists from the University of Cambridge (UK) have developed an artificial pancreas that can function for a record 12 consecutive weeks, providing patients with type I diabetes with a normal quality of life.

The technology is described on the university's website (Technology assisting people with type 1 diabetes edges closer to perfection), an article by Thabit et al. Home Use of an Artificial Beta Cell in Type 1 Diabetes is published in open access in the New England Journal of Medicine. 

Now millions of patients with type I diabetes around the world are forced to depend on regular glucose tests and correction, if necessary, with insulin injections. The technology, which scientists have called an artificial pancreas, makes it possible to control the level of glucose in the blood automatically – which, in fact, is what a healthy gland in the human body does. The study showed that the technology significantly reduces the risk of hypoglycemia, a life-threatening condition associated with a decrease in blood glucose levels. 

The press release quotes the words of the mother of a 12-year-old boy with type I diabetes who took part in the technology tests: "Daniel returned to school this month after the summer holidays, so this is a good time, the work of an artificial pancreas is just enough for a whole school semester. Technology has completely changed the lives of my son and many other people." 

Drawing from an article in NEJM – VM

According to the main developer of the technology, Roman Hovorka, these studies show the benefits of an artificial pancreas when used for several months. "We get a high level of blood glucose control and reduce the risk of hypoglycemia," he concluded.

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