04 July 2012

The counterfeiter should be in jail!

Forgery of some medicines can be equated with attempted murder

The State Duma of the Russian Federation intends to equate counterfeiting of medicines with attempted murder. As the correspondent of IA REGNUM reports, on July 3, the head of the State Duma Committee on Safety, Irina Yarovaya (United Russia), said that the state should act as harshly as possible against manufacturers of counterfeit medicines.

Commenting on the case in the Rostov region, where the police detained the organizers of the mass production of counterfeit drugs for cancer patients, Yarovaya drew attention to the fact that the articles on which criminal cases were initiated – "fraud" and "illegal use of a trademark" – do not correspond to the severity of this crime and its possible consequences. "Such actions are no different from attempted murder. Because those who produce counterfeit drugs are absolutely indifferent to the consequences, they deliberately agree that a patient taking an "empty" drug will have a deterioration in his health, and he may die," the head of the State Duma Committee said.

The parliamentarian stated the need to fill this legislative gap. "In fact, today there is no responsibility that would stop fraudulent manufacturers of medicines. Such cynicism and arrogance (the cost of individual ampoules reached 20 thousand rubles. and they were intended, among other things, for children with cancer) should be assessed with proportionate responsibility," Yarovaya is sure.

"It turns out a very ugly story – an economic crime hides an encroachment on the life and health of people," the parliamentarian noted. "Moreover, the number of victims here is unlimited."

Yarovaya informed that an interdepartmental working group will be created, which will analyze the current legislation and propose new systemic measures. "We will propose the introduction of a new qualification structure and the establishment of proportionate responsibility for this grave crime," the deputy said. "This crime is specific both in its composition and in its consequences, and, in my opinion, represents the highest degree of public danger."

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru04.07.2012

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