18 January 2013

More attention to rare diseases

Pharmaceutical companies are developing thousands of drugs for the treatment of rare diseases

Ilya Dugin, FVAccording to a study sponsored by the American Association of Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers (PhRMA), pharmaceutical and biotech companies have begun to pay more attention to the development of drugs for the treatment of rare and orphan diseases, FirstWord Pharma reports.

Researchers who had data from government sources and databases of pharmaceutical companies at their disposal concluded that more than 5.4 thousand clinical trials of medicines are currently being carried out, including about 1.8 thousand for the treatment of rare diseases and even more for the treatment of diseases for which there is no therapy at all.

In addition, according to the researchers, thousands of new drugs will be the first in their class, including at least 577 drugs developed using new technologies and at least 155 personalized drugs.

In addition to medicines at various stages of clinical trials, another 6551 projects are at the stage of preclinical trials.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru18.01.2013

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