01 April 2009

Reading is the best treatment. In any case, from stress

Page-by-page relaxation
Scientists have found that the best way to relax and relieve stress is reading booksIrina Vlasova, GZT.RU

Neurophysiologists in the UK compared which activity is most effective in relieving stress. It turned out that neither music, nor walking, nor video games relaxed the subjects who participated in the study of scientists from the University of Sussex, as usual reading books. People who experienced severe stress relaxed and got out of stress the fastest by immersing themselves in reading, writes The Telegraph.

The subjects were asked to choose a way of relaxation after exercises that caused stress, while their muscle tone and pulse rate were measured.

Reading produced a 68% improvement in 6 minutes. The indicator of the impact on stress relief of listening to a piece of music is 61%, drinking a cup of tea or coffee is 54%, walking in the fresh air is 42%. By a third less – video games reduced stress by only 21%, they did not improve heart rate indicators. Neurophysiologist David Lewis noted that in order to get relaxation, it did not matter which book the subject was interested in.

Doctors, in turn, believe that reading can be especially useful for pregnant women experiencing frequent stress. Such studies were published by the American Thoracic Society in Toronto.

Studies have shown that maternal stress caused by financial problems or other reasons can adversely affect the child's developing immune system.

According to opinion polls conducted by VTSIOM, the intensity of reading in Russia is influenced primarily by the level of education. Among the most preferred authors in the top ten were Dostoevsky, Bulgakov, Cervantes, Tolstoy, Goethe, the Bible, Defoe, the Gospels, Lermontov and Solzhenitsyn. The brothers Grimm, Dumas, Mann, Swift, Dante, Homer, Shakespeare were also named among foreign authors.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru01.04.2009

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