28 September 2015

Russia will save Africa from Ebola

The Ministry of Health expects the results of tests of the Ebola vaccine on humans in December

Olga Denisova, RIA Novosti 

The final results of human tests of the Ebola virus vaccine may be ready in December this year, Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said.

"We hope that we will have preliminary data in mid–November, and final data in December," Skvortsova, who is taking part in the meetings of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, told RIA Novosti.

The results of the tests, according to the head of the department, will allow "to move from research on volunteers to field research."

"Apparently, (research – ed.) will be conducted within the framework of our bilateral relations with Guinea, on the territory of Guinea, in infected areas," Skvortsova said.

The Minister clarified that preclinical studies conducted earlier on primates on two vaccines developed at the N.Gamalei Institute of the Ministry of Health gave "a very good result in efficiency and safety": all animals vaccinated with these vaccines survived.

After that, the results of clinical trials of the 1st and 2nd phases, that is, in humans, were obtained. "So far, the results are very encouraging, exceeding the indicators of existing foreign analogues," Skvortsova noted.

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