28 January 2016

Would you like to buy an ear?

A human ear grown on the back of a rat will go on sale

They recently grew a human auricle on the back of a rat.

The technology developed by specialists from Tokyo and Kyoto Universities can be used to help children born with facial defects, as well as older people who have suffered as a result of some accidents (for example, those who lost an ear after a dog attack, a combat injury or a car accident).

At the moment, the "new" ear is being recreated from cartilage taken from the patient's rib. At the same time, it is necessary to perform several operations, and the recovery period is painful, long and difficult. The technique proposed by the Japanese requires only a small cell sample from the patient as a starting material.

Scientists have reprogrammed adult cells of the human body into cartilage cells. In the laboratory, cartilage tissue was then grown from the culture, from which tiny balls were created. They were placed in a plastic tube with a diameter of three millimeters, and three such tubes were laid in the shape of an ear. Two months later, the form dissolved, as a result of which a five-centimeter organ remained on the animal's back.

The finished ear is viable and can develop together with the child.

(The note closest to the original source, Japanese researchers create human ear cartilage from iPS cells, is published on the website of Japantoday – VM.)

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