11 July 2008


Biomedicine was born at the junction of two sciences – medicine and biology. It is based on the use of ideas and technologies developed in biochemistry, immunology, cell biology and other biological sciences to solve medical problems, especially genetics, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and other so-called "-omics" that have arisen literally in recent years, with the development of bioinformatics, the improvement of methods of molecular biology and the accumulation of data on the structure and functions of nucleic acids and proteins.

At the turn of the twentieth and twenty–first centuries, the avalanche-like development of the entire set of life sciences began, the process of rethinking on the basis of new data accumulated by medicine the facts of a person's predisposition to various diseases, the mechanisms of his immune defense, as well as the role of the environment and stress in the development of diseases - everything that determines human health, longevity and quality of life.

The most important areas of biomedicine are:
• early diagnosis of diseases, including identification of hereditary predisposition to "ordinary" diseases;
• determination of individual genetically determined features of the body's reactions to medicinal substances (pharmacogenomics);
• development of methods for the treatment of hereditary diseases;
• methods of diagnosis of infectious and non-communicable diseases (in particular, with the help of so-called biochips);
• multiple acceleration of the development of new medicines due to computer modeling, automated screening of potential drugs, the use of candidate substances in preclinical tests of cell cultures instead of laboratory animals;
• creation of fundamentally new drugs based on antibodies, gene therapy, including with the help of short interfering RNAs, and other achievements in the field of molecular biology and nanotechnology;
• application of genetic engineering methods, in particular, for the production of human proteins using transgenic microorganisms, plants and animals
• cell therapy, tissue engineering and development of organ cultivation methods for transplantation

In the coming decades and even years, based on the transformation of medicine into a modern science, radical changes can be expected in solving the problems of prolonging youth and healthy longevity.

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