31 August 2009

Fibroblasts will cure periodontal disease

The injection will help to grow new gums
STRF.ruThe elimination of gum recessions is one of the most important problems in periodontology and implantology.

Inflammation in the oral cavity reduces the volume of gum tissue, the roots and necks of the teeth are exposed and hurt. It's ugly, and besides, it makes it difficult to treat dental diseases.

With periodontal disease and periodontitis, gum tissue can break down and expose the roots of teeth. This process, called recession, is fraught with hypersensitivity of teeth to temperature and root caries, not to mention a purely cosmetic defect. Specialists from the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery of Rosmedtechnology investigated the possibility of restoring damaged gums with the help of fibroblasts - connective tissue cells that have the ability to develop into various cells and make up for tissue defects. Autologous (own) fibroblasts are not rejected by the human body, and scientists have proved that using them in the clinic could be an excellent method of non-surgical elimination of gum recessions.

The elimination of gum recessions is one of the most important problems in periodontology and implantology. Inflammation in the oral cavity reduces the volume of gum tissue, the roots and necks of the teeth are exposed and hurt. It's ugly, and besides, it makes it difficult to treat dental diseases. Recession affects up to a quarter of young people and up to 65% of the elderly. You can deal with the problem on the surgical table, but this is a rather traumatic process for the patient. A team of scientists from the Federal State University "TSNIIS and ChLH Rosmedtechnology" with the support of LLC "Biotech Company" tested an alternative method of treating recession by injecting autologous fibroblasts into the gum tissues of the test group. The results were impressive.

Researchers led by Anatoly Kulakov recruited a group of volunteer patients from 20 people aged 20 to 45 years. All patients had different degrees of gum recession as a result of periodontal disease, periodontitis or unsuccessful dental implantation. Scientists took tissue samples from the surface of the palate of patients, isolated fibroblasts from them, cultured and injected into the mucous membrane of the gums by injection. The study participants were monitored for a period of time from one week to 9 months and the changes occurring in the oral cavity were recorded. As a result, the authors noted a significant improvement in the condition of the gums of the subjects. The volume of tissues increased to 2.2 mm. The obtained results allow scientists to conclude that autologous fibroblasts of the oral cavity can be effectively and safely used in dentistry to eliminate or reduce gum recessions.

In order to conduct the study, the authors of the work needed to carefully prepare patients. In particular, they were examined for the absence of chronic diseases and explained how to properly care for the oral cavity so that the treatment was most successful. Written consent was taken from the subjects to conduct the study, the oral cavity was examined by tomography methods and the affected areas of the gums were photographed. Scientists performed a biopsy of palate and gum tissues under local anesthesia.

In the laboratory, fibroblast cell culture was obtained by treating the biopsy with proteolytic enzymes, followed by cultivation in specially selected media and conditions. Ready-made fibroblasts were injected once into the gums of patients. The result was not long in coming. Fibroblasts gave rise to new cells, gum thickness increased, gingival pockets became less deep. Three months after the injection, a clear line of tissue "growth" could already be observed on the gums. No side effects were noted.

The authors of the work are proud to note that the simplicity of taking material for growing autofibroblasts and the procedure for their introduction, as well as the absence of complications, allows us to predict a very wide use of the developed methods of treating recession in dental clinics. It remains only to register the technology in the prescribed manner.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru31.08.2009

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