15 January 2015

Personalized therapy of cardiovascular diseases

The results obtained by scientists of the Montreal Institute of Heart Research, working under the guidance of Doctors Jean-Claude Tardif and Marie-Pierre Dubé, indicate that the new drug dalcetrapib significantly improves the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases having a certain variant of the ADCY9 gene.

The authors analyzed the treatment results of 5,749 patients who received dalcetrapib or placebo and provided DNA samples during the clinical trial. They conducted a genome-wide study of associations, which consisted in studying the relationship of the effects of therapy with various genetic markers scattered throughout the genome.

As a result, a pronounced association was revealed between the effects of dalcetrapib and the presence in the genome of a certain variant of the ADCY9 gene localized on chromosome 16 and encoding the enzyme adenylate cyclase. Compared with placebo, taking the drug by carriers of this genetic polymorphism, known as rs1967309, reduced by 39% the frequency of events included in the main combined criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of therapy, including myocardial infarction, strokes, unstable angina, surgery to restore blood flow to the coronary arteries supplying the myocardium and death from cardiovascular diseases.

These data are consistent with the results of a parallel study, according to which, in the presence of this polymorphism in the genome, taking dalcetrapib significantly reduced the thickness of the walls of the carotid artery supplying blood to the head.

The authors hope that the identified association will form the basis of a clinical study involving patients with a certain genetic profile, which will result in the emergence of a personalized protocol for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system using dalcetrapib.

Article by J.-C. Tardif et al. Pharmacogenomic Determinants of the Cardiovascular Effects of Dalcetrapib is published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics.

Evgeniya Ryabtseva
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of the Montreal Heart Institute:
A World First - Discovery of a personalized therapy for cardiovascular disease.


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