"Rejuvenating" steroids for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Researchers at the University of Leeds (UK) and the University of Tubingen (Germany), working under the guidance of Professor David J. Beech, identified a previously unknown TRPM3 ion channel in human smooth muscle cells of blood vessels that can limit the production of interleukin-6, an inflammatory cytokine that plays an important role in the early stages of cardiovascular diseases.
The authors demonstrated that this protective effect is triggered by pregnenolone sulfate, belonging to the family of steroid hormones, which at one time had high hopes as a "source of youth". Unfortunately, these hopes were not fully realized: testosterone and its synthetic analogues as hormone replacement therapy are indicated only with a noticeable decrease in their own androgen synthesis, including age-related, but with a lot of "buts", "ifs" and very likely side effects. However, the semi-underground market for synthetic androgens such as pregnenolone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is booming. They are mainly sold as doping, but they are often included in the composition of biologically active additives – both sports and "rejuvenating", while often not indicating the presence of steroids in the drug.
Pregnenolone sulfate belongs to the same family of steroids, but is not sold either as a dope or as a dietary supplement. It is also important that the protective mechanism described by the researchers is triggered in the cells of not only healthy, but also atherosclerotic vessels.
Additional experiments have shown that the severity of the protective effect exerted by pregnenolone sulfate decreases in the presence of cholesterol. This fact indicates that for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it is advisable to take steroids in combination with drugs that reduce cholesterol levels in the body and / or other wellness strategies, such as sports and diet.
Professor Beach stressed that the results obtained do not confirm the statements of manufacturers of biological additives about the life-giving properties of the steroid drugs they offer. However, the authors state that if they manage to confirm their preliminary data in further laboratory experiments and clinical studies, steroids can become an effective and relatively inexpensive means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, the spread of which is currently becoming epidemic worldwide.
The results of the work are published in the journal Circulation Research in the article "Pregnenolone Sulfate- and Cholesterol-Regulated TRPM3 Channels Coupled to Vascular Smooth Muscle Secretion and Contraction".
Evgeniya Ryabtseva
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru according to the University of Leeds: 'Fountain of youth' steroids could protect against heart disease.