19 May 2010

Viruses for cancer treatment: the first result

Researchers from the University of Helsinki (Finland) and Oncos Therapeutics, a Finnish biotech company developing new anticancer drugs based on the latest generation of oncolytic viruses, have published the results of the first clinical studies.

The Ad5-D24-GMCSF virus is a modified adenovirus encoding granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GMCSF), mediating the development of an antitumor immune response through the mobilization of natural killers and stimulation of tumor-specific T-lymphocytes. The destruction of cancer cells leads to the release of tumor epitopes (fragments of specific proteins) that provide additional stimulation of immune cells. The ability of the Ad5-D24-GMCSF virus to induce the development of a pronounced antitumor immune response was initially demonstrated in a line of immunocompetent hamsters. After that, Ad5-D24-GMCSF therapy was transferred to 20 patients with progressive solid tumors resistant to traditional methods of treatment.

As a result, out of 16 patients whose treatment results were assessed by X–ray examination, two had a complete cure (13%), one had a partial cure (6%) and five had tumor stabilization (33%). Thus, according to the traditional scale, the level of clinical effectiveness of the method was 47%. At the same time, in many cases, not only tumors that were directly injected with the viral drug reacted to treatment, but also other tumor foci present in the patients' body. In all cases, the treatment was well tolerated and did not cause serious side effects.

In their work, the researchers demonstrated for the first time the ability of oncolytic viruses to cause the formation of a pronounced antitumor immune response in the human body. They are currently starting clinical trials of a new advanced CGTG-102 oncolytic virus and plan to continue working with Ad5-D24-GMCSF.

Experts believe that today the development of oncolytic adenoviruses in the treatment of malignant tumors is an exceptionally promising area of work.

The results of the work were published on May 18 in the preliminary on-line version of the journal Cancer Research in the article "Oncolytic Adenovirus Coding for Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Induces Antitumoral Immunity in Cancer Patients".

Evgeniya Ryabtseva
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru Based on ScienceDaily: Oncolytic Viruses Mediating Anti-Tumor Immunity in Human Cancer Patients.


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