WOUNDS against Cancer
Scientists discussed a program to combat cancer pathology
Maria Slobodyanskaya, Vesti
New drugs and treatment methods that will help to cope with oncological diseases were discussed at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In addition, the meeting participants suggested that the government include basic research on oncology in national projects.
Increase life expectancy and reduce the mortality rate from cancer from more than 200 to 180 people per 100 thousand population. This is a task for Russian doctors and scientists for the next six years.
And there are opportunities to achieve such indicators, as they say in the Russian Academy of Sciences. Today there is just the last meeting of the Academy's Presidium this year, the main topic of which was just scientific problems in oncology and ways to solve them.
No less attention is now paid to modern methods of treatment. There are many new scientific approaches. Three reports on the latest innovations in this field were presented at the meeting.
One of them is photodynamic therapy. The essence of this method is the use of light and certain groups of drugs. Under the influence of the rays, the drug injected into the tumor area begins to destroy the damaged cells.
Immuno-oncological and targeted drugs can bring a breakthrough in the field of cancer treatment. The former work with the help of antibodies, provoking the immune system to attack and destroy cancer cells. The second – block the growth of damaged cells by introducing special molecules. Both are actively developing in Russian institutes.
However, leading oncologists believe that there is simply no promising method of treatment. The principle of personalized medicine should be taken as a basis and treatment should be selected based on the characteristics of the disease.
Another important step in the fight against cancer pathology is molecular genetic testing. The cause of the tumor is a mutation that has arisen in one of the billions of cells in the body. A complete analysis of these mutations allows you to choose the most appropriate therapy for the patient, adjust the treatment process, or even see and prevent the development of a potential disease.
Today there are 26 genetic and molecular laboratories operating throughout the country. Their number will grow in the coming years. In 2019, several national projects will come into effect at once – "Science", "Healthcare", "Demography". The Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences has prepared its proposal: to combine these projects with common research in the field of oncology. Scientists will send their recommendations to the Government in the near future.
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