27 November 2014

Liver "in vitro" for drug developers

Organovo has released exVive3D human liver tissue for sale,
printed on a 3D printer


The American company Organovo, known for its discoveries in the field of 3D bioprinting, announced that it has put on sale artificial human liver tissue exVive3D for preclinical testing of new drugs (Organovo Announces Commercial Release of the exVive3D Human Liver Tissue – VM). The appearance of tissue printed by researchers on an Organovo 3D printer can completely change the process of finding and testing new drugs by pharmaceutical companies before their release to the market.

The exVive3D fabric will help Organovo customers to find out the level of toxicity of drugs and get more accurate results. Organovo plans to provide its customers with access to its technology as part of a research program on a contractual basis. All tests will be conducted in the Organovo laboratory under the guidance of experienced experts. This will allow the company to fully control the printing, testing and data collection process.

exVive3D tissue consists of stellate cells, endothelial cells and hepatocytes. It retains its functions for at least 42 days and, therefore, is much better suited for long-term studies than two-dimensional samples of liver cells. During the study, the drug can be administered in doses, which was impossible when using other research methods.

So the day has come, which the employees of Organovo have been dreaming about for so long. The company has finally moved to the commercial production of artificial tissue, which means that it will soon have funds for further research. In the next five years, scientists plan to create liver tissue that can be transplanted to humans. They are also currently working on kidney, pancreatic and breast tissue. It is these fabrics that the company plans to be the first to launch on the market.

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