05 April 2016

iMSC will revolutionize medicine

Australian researchers from the University of New South Wales, working under the guidance of Associate Professor John Pimanda, have developed a new technique for reprogramming bone and fat cells into induced multipotent stem cells, IMSCS (not to be confused with the generally accepted abbreviation MSCs - mesenchymal stem cells), suitable for repairing various injuries, ranging from defects of intervertebral discs and ending with broken bones. The developers believe that their proposed technology can completely transform modern therapeutic approaches in regenerative medicine.

There are various types of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which give rise to all cells of the body during embryonic development, and adult stem cells specific to certain tissues. Adult (differentiated) stem cells are at best able to regenerate a very limited number of tissue types.

The technology developed by the authors implies the isolation of adult cells of human adipose and bone tissue and their cultivation in an environment containing 5-azacytidine and platelet growth factor-AB for about 2 days. After that, the cells were cultured for 2-3 weeks only in the presence of platelet growth factor-AB.

5-azacitidine is known for its ability to induce cell plasticity, which is a critical factor for their successful reprogramming. It weakens the established genetic program of cells, which is further enhanced by the action of platelet growth factor. As a result, adult differentiated cells turn into IMSCS. When injected into damaged areas of tissue, such cells begin to divide, contributing to the restoration of damage and healing.


In essence, the new technology is similar to the mechanism used by salamanders to restore lost limbs, which also depends on the plasticity of differentiated cells capable, depending on circumstances, of repairing damage to various tissues.

The authors note that the cells obtained with the help of the new technology differ favorably from other types of stem cells. Their production does not imply the use of genome–altering viral vectors used in the creation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and, unlike embryonic stem cells, they are not prone to the formation of tumors - teratomas.

The researchers have already obtained very promising results in experiments on mice and are currently conducting final testing of the safety and effectiveness of the use of IMSCS obtained from adult human fat cells to repair animal tissue damage and plan to begin clinical studies of the new approach in 2017. They also note the need to clarify the ability of IMSCS to remain inactive in the transplantation zone and activate if necessary.

Experts believe that the experimental therapeutic approach has great potential in the treatment of back and neck pain, as well as degenerative changes and damage to intervertebral discs, joints and muscles. In addition, it can be used to accelerate recovery after complex surgical interventions, in which bones and joints must be re-integrated into the surrounding tissues.

Article by Vashe Chandrakanthan et al. PDGF-AB and 5-Azacytidine induce conversion of somatic cells into tissue-regenerative multipotent stem cells is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Evgeniya Ryabtseva
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of the University of New South Wales: Medical scientists develop a 'game changing' stem cell repair system.


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