19 February 2019

Put on a biomask

Biomask will accelerate the healing of wounds on the face

Georgy Golovanov, Hi-tech+

Clinical trials of a 3D-printed biomask created by specialists from the Institute of Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University (USA) have yielded positive results for healing burns and other extremely unpleasant facial wounds.

Treatment of burns and facial wounds is not an easy task for doctors. A multitude of complexly arranged facial muscles, ligaments and bones form a unique appearance that distinguishes one person from another. Because of this peculiarity, doctors cannot choose a uniform, suitable therapy for everyone, writes 3ders (3D bioprinted BioMask could quickly heal facial skin wounds).

Modern methods – tissue transplantation and bioengineered skin substitutes – are accompanied by many problems, including rejection, infections and scarring. In addition, transplantation is not always possible, because another wound appears, which can destabilize the already critical condition of the patient.

American biotechnologists offer a solution: a 3D-printed biomask, which is ideally suited in shape and contains a layer of the patient's own skin cells. They accelerate the regeneration process.


First, a three–dimensional model is created based on computed tomography images, which is then printed from three words: porous polyurethane and two layers of hydrogel - with keratinocyte and fibroblast. Keratinocytes are epidermal cells, and fibroblasts are connective tissue cells.

After seven days of using such a biomask, doctors recorded an increase in the number of epidermal and dermal cells, and the size of wounds significantly decreased compared to the control group.

In further studies, the authors of the development are going to check whether the inclusion of melanocytes – cells that produce melanin - in the composition will increase healing. This would help to avoid cosmetic problems when the new skin does not match the color of the surviving "old" one.

A smart bandage for rapid wound healing was developed last year in the USA. It is intended for patients with chronic skin injuries caused by burns, the consequences of diabetes and other diseases.

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