09 September 2015

The European Parliament has banned the cloning of animals and the import of clones into the EU.

529 deputies voted for the ban

The website of the European Parliament informs that it approved a ban on cloning animals and importing their clones to EU countries at its meeting on Tuesday (EP wants animal cloning ban extended to offspring and imports).

"The cloning technique is not completely perfect ... The mortality rate remains quite high," the EU Parliament said in a statement. It is also noted that most animals die in agony in the first weeks after birth.

529 MEPs voted for the ban, 120 were against and 57 MEPs abstained.

"We want to ban ... not only the use of cloning methods, but also the import of reproductive material, clones and their descendants ... Sometimes politics should set limits," the European Parliament believes.

The EU legislature emphasizes that in this way European farmers will face much greater competitive pressure from Asia, but focuses on the fact that Europe is not ready to put the health of its citizens and future generations at stake by allowing food of questionable quality (meaning meat of cloned animals).

The European parliamentarians also cite consumer opinion research as arguments. According to the survey, the majority of European citizens oppose the consumption of food products from cloned animals or their descendants.

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