19 March 2008

High technologies, innovations, investments

XIV International Exhibition and Congress
September 22-25, 2008, St. Petersburg, VK "Lenexpo"

The purpose of the event is to promote the formation of the Russian and development of the foreign scientific, technical and innovative technology market, the activation of innovation activities and the introduction of promising developments into production. This exhibition is a traditional meeting place for representatives of science, manufacturers and investors, all those who are interested in the Russian market of scientific and technological developments.

The exhibition is supported by:
The Government of St. Petersburg, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg.
Under patronage:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.


Aerospace technologies
Alternative energy
High technologies – medicine (including biotechnology)
Biotechnology to the industrial complex
New materials and nanotechnologies
IT technologies

Innovations for industryInvestment

Financing of developments
Venture financing

Traditionally, the competition for the BEST INNOVATIVE PROJECT AND the BEST SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT OF the YEAR will be held within the framework of the business program. The purpose of the organization and holding of the competition is to determine the most promising innovative and investment projects and developments for the real sector of the economy.

By becoming participants of the event, you will get a unique opportunity

• to present the full range of scientific and technical developments to potential consumers
• to study the demand for the presented products and assess the market potential
• find business partners
• get business contacts with Russian and foreign clients and investors
• attract investments in the field of scientific and technical research

Exhibition-Congress "High technologies. Innovation. Investments" will work on the same platform with the international forum "Russian Industrialist". In 20007, this exhibition symbiosis has already proved that science and industry can and should function as a whole. As a result - a new exhibition duo, stimulating the development of domestic high-tech production, contributing to the effective use of intellectual and industrial resources.

Additional information is available on the website of VO RESTEKPortal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru


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