27 December 2011

Topical issues of gene and cell technologies

Dear colleagues!
The Institute of Human Stem Cells invites you to take part in the V Annual International Symposium "Topical issues of Gene and Cell Technologies"

Date and venue: May 28, 2012, Moscow, Renaissance Hotel, Olympic ave. 18/1, Moscow Hall.

Organizing Committee: A.A. Isaev, S.L. Kiselev, A.V. Prikhodko, N.V. Kvashnina, V.S. Mikheeva, R.V. Deev.

Preliminary program:Coffee break

Morning session: Gene Technologies
Co-chairs of the section: Professor S.L. Kiselyov, Professor M. Oshimura

1. M. Oshimura (Japan) – Technology of artificial human chromosomes for gene and cell therapy.
2. P. Bourgeois (France) is a European program for creating an NMD diagnostic chip.
3. Sh. Mitalipov (USA) – Technology of prevention of mitochondrial diseases (transplantation of metaphase plates).
4. S.L. Kiselev (Russia) – Cells with induced pluripotency as a model of neurodegenerative diseases.
5. R.V. Deev (Russia) – Europe's first gene therapy drug Neovasculgen: from basic research to routine clinical practice.

Coffee break

Afternoon session: Cellular Technologies
Co-chairs of the section: Professor B.V. Afanasyev, Professor P. Macchiarini

1. B.V. Afanasyev (Russia) – Experience in the treatment of hereditary diseases with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, prospects for the use of gene therapy.
2. A. Zander (Germany) – Treatment of oncohematological diseases in patients with HIV, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
3. P. Macchiarini (Sweden) – Analysis of 10 cases of transplants of tissue-engineered tracheas.
4. M. Hendrik (USA) – Adipose tissue stem cells and their clinical use: hardware isolation methods using Cytori Therapeutic Inc. equipment.


Round table for guests and journalists: "Main directions of development of gene and cell technologies in Russia"
Moderator: Professor S.L. Kiselyov

Details are on the website celltranspl.ru . 

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru

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