11 July 2008

XV Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine"

Dear colleagues!

From April 14 to 18, 2008, the XV Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine" will be held in Moscow, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian pharmacologist Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.D. Mashkovsky.

The high scientific and educational level of the Congress will be ensured by the participation of leading specialists in various fields of medicine, domestic and foreign scientists with a worldwide reputation.

Much attention at the upcoming Forum will be paid to the analysis of practical aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of common and rare human diseases, discussion of the latest achievements and latest developments in various fields of medicine, scientific and practical prospects of nanomedicine, finding ways to introduce innovative technologies in practical healthcare; addressing issues of minimizing risks in drug therapy.

One of the main tasks of the Congress is to bring advanced information to the maximum number of interested specialists in a timely manner. For this purpose, TV and video conferences are held within the framework of the Congress. The use of high information technologies allows local participants to see and hear everything that is happening at the scientific events of the Congress. At the Congress "Man and Medicine" held in April 2007, videoconferences brought together more than 4,000 specialists from 40 cities of Russia and neighboring countries.

Interactive conferences, master classes, comprehensive clinical reviews, and special educational programs organized and conducted jointly with the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education contribute to the professional development of doctors.

A significant contribution to the continuing education of doctors is made by the annual publication of the Federal Guidelines on the Use of Medicines, which for the first time in Russia takes into account the international experience of evidence-based medicine in the field of pharmacotherapy of the most common human diseases. The next IX edition of the Manual is being prepared for the Congress, which will undoubtedly be used in the work of a wide range of practitioners. By tradition, the publication will be included in the official materials of the Congress.

Every year there is growing interest in the Exhibition of modern medicines, new information technologies, medical devices and specialized publications held within the framework of the Congress. And this is no accident: the Exhibition provides a unique opportunity for the Congress audience of thousands to get acquainted with the latest developments in pharmaceuticals, to get information about high-tech medicines of the latest generation directly from developers and manufacturers.

During its existence, the Congress "Man and Medicine" has become a truly anticipated spring event. We are sure that holding such a Forum is necessary for the successful introduction of progressive methods of treating human diseases into the practice of a modern doctor, and we will make every effort to make the 2008 Congress an educational platform for the widest range of specialists.

We will be glad to see you among the participants of the XV Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine" and hope that the latest scientific and practical information obtained during participation in the Congress will be effectively used in your daily work.

With best wishes,
President of the Congress
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.G.Chuchalin

The main scientific and practical directions of the Congress:• Improvement of the formulary system and clinical recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of major human diseases

• Nanomedicine: scientific and practical perspectives
• High medical technologies in clinical practice
• Features of disease diagnosis and emergency care at the pre-hospital stage
• Reproductive health of the Russian population
• Medicines that modify the course of the disease
• High information technologies in continuous education of doctors
• Drug safety and pharmacovigilance

The scientific program of the Congress includes: plenary reports, assembly lectures, plenums, conferences, videoconferences, scientific symposiums, discussions, meetings, business meetings, clinical reviews, lectures for practicing doctors, educational seminars, seminars "Meeting with a professor", Schools for practicing doctors, Contests of scientific papers of young scientists, a competition of student scientific papers.

Scientific events of the Congress are held: April 14 – from 9.00 to 19.00; April 15, 16, 17 – from 8.00 to 19.00; April 18 – from 8.00 to 15.30. Closing of the Congress on April 18 at 16.00 in the Small Assembly Hall of the second academic building of the RAGS.

The official language of the Congress is Russian.
Simultaneous translation is possible

You can get additional information on the Congress website
The scientific program of the Congress will be published:
brief – after February 15, full – after March 10, 2008

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru24.12.2007

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