04 September 2017

Another EteRNA

With the help of the game EteRNA, anyone can help scientists in the research of genetics

Alexander Ageev, Techcult

Scientists at Stanford University, together with colleagues from Carnegie Mellon University, developed the computer game EteRNA in 2010. The goal of the project is to arrange a kind of brainstorming session with the participation of thousands of gamers to solve two–dimensional puzzles related to the assembly of RNA molecules. At the peak of popularity in early 2016, up to 100,000 players participated in the game.

The newly released new version of the game offers its participants to create a new RNA molecule using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology.

One of the main features of EteRNA is that the vast majority of players have nothing to do with genetics and molecular biology. Nevertheless, scientists have set them a number of difficult tasks, in particular, to create a simple and accurate method of blood testing for tuberculosis and to take up the technology of editing the human genome.

Stanford University professor Howard Chang (in a press release Online game challenges players to design on/off switch for CRISPR – VM) commented on such an unusual experiment:

– Great ideas can come from anywhere, so we have made an attempt to "democratize" science by attracting non-specialists. Many people have talents, sometimes unaware of them, but this may be their vocation. Imagine that a simple security guard can become an excellent RNA biochemist, and he knows nothing about it.

In the new version of EteRNA, players are invited to create unique RNA molecules that can be directed to targeted gene modification using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Professional scientists are ready to consider thousands of different solutions proposed during the game, which can then be tested in the laboratory.


The practical implementation of joint solutions makes the EteRNA game unique. Thanks to her, any Internet user can try their hand at an unknown field of science.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  04.09.2017

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