27 October 2008

DNA genealogy: Slavs and "Indo-Europeans" (Part 2)


From the first part (with additions):

So, the DNA of our contemporaries shows that the most ancient roots of the Aryans, the genus R1a1, dating back 12 thousand years, are in the Balkans – in Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia. After 6 thousand years, this genus will expand to the northeast, to the Northern Carpathians, forming the Proto-Slavic, Tripoli culture and marking the beginning of the great migration of peoples in the fourth-third millennium BC. At the same time, the genus R1a1 advanced along the southern arc, and 5,300 years ago – according to records in our DNA – appeared in Lebanon. Direct descendants of those first settlers still live in Lebanon today. Among them, descendants of the Aryan family are Shiite Muslims from the south of Lebanon, Sunni Muslims from the north of the country and from the Bekaa Valley, Maronite Christians from the Lebanese north, Druze living in the Lebanese mountains.

As part of this migration, apparently caused by the development of agriculture and the transition to its extensive forms, the same genus R1a1 moved 5200-4500 years ago to the west, to the Atlantic and the British Isles, and 4300 years ago to the north, to Scandinavia. The same genus came to the near north and east – to the lands of modern Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, with a common proto-Slavic ancestor who lived 4500 years ago. The same ancestor gave the surviving offspring, currently living all over Europe, from Iceland to Greece and Cyprus, and spread to the south of the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf of Oman.

Descendants of the same ancestor, with the same haplotype in DNA, went to the southern Urals, built settlements there 4000-3800 years ago, one of them (discovered in the late 1980s) became known as Arkaim, and under the name of the Aryans went to India, bringing their proto-Slavic haplotypes there 3500 years ago. In the same 2nd millennium BC, a fairly large group of the genus R1a1, also called themselves Aryans, moved from Central Asia to Iran. This is the only but significant link that allows us to call the entire genus R1a1 the genus of the Aryans. The same bundle leads to the identity of "Indo-Europeans", Aryans, and the genus R1a1 within the framework of DNA genealogy. She, this bundle, places the ancestral homeland of the "Indo-Europeans", Aryans, Proto-Slavs in the Balkans. The same bundle correlates the place of the Balkan ancestral homeland, the migration flow of the Aryans-Slavs, the dynamic chain of archaeological cultures and the corresponding flow of Indo-European languages, and shows the place and time of the appearance of the particle "Indo" there. Finally, she, this bundle, convincingly shows that it was not the Proto-Slavs who spoke "Indo-Iranian" languages, but on the contrary, the descendants of the proto-Slavs brought their Aryan languages to India and Iran, and the times of the appearance of these languages in India and Iran, established by linguists, are completely consistent with the time of the arrival of the descendants of the Proto-Slavs there, the time recorded in the form of mutations in the DNA of our contemporaries of the genus R1a1.

But how did the genus R1a1 get to the Balkans, and from where? We have sorted out the ancestral homeland of the "Indo-Europeans", who turned out to be Arias, they are also Proto-Slavs. And where is the ancestral home of the "Proto-Indo-Europeans"? When and where did nostratic languages originate? What is the current picture of the flows, migrations of "Proto-Indo-Europeans" that led to the appearance of the Aryans, the Proto-Slavs in their historical ancestral homeland?

This is the second part of our investigation.

The "ancestral homeland" of the Aryans, Proto-Slavs, "Indo-Europeans" and the picture of migration flows from the ancestral homelandTo begin with, we note that the concept of "ancestral homeland" is a floating concept.

It depends on the meaning that is put into this concept. In relation to all mankind as an association of "reasonable man", the ancestral homeland is in Africa. But it hardly makes sense to talk about Africa as the ancestral homeland of the Slavs, or Aryans, or "Indo-Europeans". Here (and everywhere in the story) I accept the concepts of "Arias" and "Indo-Europeans" as synonyms with respect to the ancient Slavs, and in general I write this outdated term "Indo-Europeans" only because many are used to it. Synonyms – because it was Arias that connected the concepts of Europeans and "Indo".

However, the concept of "Indo-Europeans" or even "Proto-Indo-Europeans" is also used in a general sense, as the ancestors of people whose descendants formed the Aryan family, whose descendants later came to India and Iran, which made possible the very concept of "Indo-European languages".

Therefore, the "ancestral homeland" in relation to the Slavs, Aryans and Indo–Europeans is the territory where stable DNA-genealogical ties with modern Slavs began to form, connections that can be identified, identified, and attributed specifically to the Slavs, as descendants of Aryans, "Indo-Europeans" and "Proto-Indo-Europeans", and initially those who They came out of Africa about 60 thousand years ago, and gave rise to modern humanity – both "Indo-Europeans", and Semites, and Ugro-Finns, and Turks. And in general, all 18 modern haplogroups, they are the main genera of modern humanity from the point of view of DNA genealogy.

When and how did this happen? Let's look at the whole path, starting with the exit from Africa, and put the "proto-Indo-Europeans", "Indo-Europeans", Aryans and Proto-Slavs in a single framework, in a single system.

Route, stage one, the first 20 thousand years. Africa – Front Asia. The beginning is 60 thousand years ago, the pass is 40 thousand years ago.

Our Slavic ancestors are distant descendants of the "chromosomal Adam" who lived in northeast Africa. He is called chromosomal Adam because about 80-100 thousand years ago he passed the "bottleneck" of the human population, and only his direct offspring survived and grew. The descendants of the rest of the people of that time, or those who lived earlier, have not been found in us, the modern people of the Earth. For now, anyway.

60 thousand years ago, when, according to approximate estimates, 10 thousand people lived on Earth, our direct ancient ancestor moved north and crossed the Red Sea – in its narrowest part near the Gulf of Aden - to the Arabian Peninsula. He became the progenitor of all people living outside Africa today, in addition to the Africans themselves. What made him leave? Apparently, recurring droughts, which modern paleoclimatologists know about. Of course, "ancestor" here is a collective name. Nevertheless, it was determined that he had the first non-African common DNA marker M168, which corresponds to the ancient consolidated haplogroup C-R. This haplogroup now unites all the descendants of an ancestor who had a mutation of cytosine into thymine (Cà T) in a certain place of DNA about 60 thousand years ago. And so it remained with all those now included in haplogroups from C to T. And black Africans had the very first haplogroups A and B, which are not our ancestral ones. They stayed in Africa.

The crossing from Africa took our ancestors several thousand years. Already on the Arabian Peninsula, across the Red Sea, the next mutation changed the common ancestor marker to M89, bringing it into the consolidated haplogroup F-R. It happened about 50 thousand years ago. Approximately 90% of all non-Africans now have this marker. The rest have haplogroups C (Mongoloid), D (East Asian) and E (North African). Many men with this marker M89 settled in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, but our proto-Slavic ancestor went further to the northeast, and stayed for a while on the territory of modern Iraq, in Mesopotamia, and somewhat higher, up to the Caspian Sea and the South Caucasian borders with the future Soviet Union.

So, it is there, in the area of Lakes Van and Urmia, 100-150 km south of the border of the former USSR, that a large school of linguists places the "ancestral home of Indo-Europeans". But it was about 40 thousand years ago, and linguists, it seems, do not even suspect about such a time period. They don't have such data. In any case, in the classic work "The Indo-European language and the Indo-Europeans" (1984), the authors, T.V. Gamkrelidze and V.V. Ivanov, define the times of the collapse of the proto-language as "no later than the IV millennium BC, and possibly much earlier." Linguists-glottochronologists place this linguistic decay in the period 8-11 thousand years ago, and the boldest assumptions lower this period to 23 thousand years ago. In fact – about 40 thousand years ago. This is also indicated by the records in our DNA.

Route, stage two, the next 15 thousand years. Anterior Asia – Southern Siberia. The beginning is 40 thousand years ago, the pass is 25 thousand years ago.

The stream split from Mesopotamia and the Southern Caspian. Future Jews and Arabs stayed in the Middle East for a long time, and many settled there forever (haplogroup J, the southern part of Mesopotamia), some continued to go north to the Caucasus (haplogroup G), and some (haplogroups I and J2), passing Asia Minor, through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, which were then dry, went to the Balkans, to Greece, to Europe. Among those who have gone to the Balkans, there are many future Balkan Slavs of haplogroup I2 – from 30% to 40% of Bulgarians, Bosnians, Slovenes, Serbs have it. They are not Aryans by origin and not "Indo–Europeans", although they are "Indo–Europeans" by language.

This is the confusion laid by those who moved from the reasonable, albeit outdated concept of "Indo-European group of languages" to the completely unreasonable concept of "Indo-Europeans".

Our direct ancestor turned to the right, to the east, crossed the Iranian Highlands and Afghanistan, leaving the Karakum Desert to the north and then the Hindu Kush Ridge to the south, and ended up in the Pamir Mountains, in the Pamir junction, where the Hindu Kush, Tien Shan and Himalaya mountains converge. There was nowhere to go further straight, to the east. By this time, the DNA of our direct ancestor had mutated once again, and he became the carrier of the M9 marker, the marker of the so-called Eurasian clan, the consolidated haplogroup K-R. This happened 35 thousand years ago. There were probably no more than a hundred thousand people on Earth at that time.

So, there were only two exits before the impassable mountains - either up to Central Asia, or down to present-day Pakistan and India, from the south. And again the stream split – some went south around the mountains, and became East Asians, Australoasians, Dravidians, and our direct ancestor went north, to the Eurasian steppes, to the south of Siberia. They all lived by hunting then. As a result, most of the modern inhabitants of Europe descended from our direct ancestor, who moved to Siberia. Strictly speaking, he was then far from being only a proto-Slavic ancestor, and the ancestor not only of the future genus R1a1, but of a whole series of genera divided in the future. Which, by the way, will also not all be "Indo-European" in language, but will become both Ugro-Finnish and Turkic.

That's what the geography story leads to. Not the "Indo-European" languages originated in the Near East, but the future complex of Eurasian languages, among which the "Indo-European", aka Aryan, is only one part, albeit noticeable.

On this path, which took several millennia, our Eurasian ancestor had another mutation, M45, the transformation of guanine into adenine (Gà A). It happened in Central Asia, 30 thousand years ago. The consolidated haplogroup was reduced to P-R. It is followed by the next mutation, M207, already in the south of Siberia, 25 thousand years ago. This identified our ancestor in haplogroup R.

Route, stage three, the next 13 thousand years. Southern Siberia - the Balkans, the Dinaric Alps, the Adriatic. The beginning is 25 thousand years ago, the pass is 12 thousand years ago.

This stage is extremely important for future Europeans in general, and Aryans in particular. In the course of it, the genera were divided into Western and Eastern European, into Aryan and Celtic genera. There was a separation of the genus of future Slavs.

And it so happened that still in Asia, on the way to the west, 18 thousand years ago, the M173 mutation occurred, which gave haplogroup R1, and after it the P25 mutation, which gave the future Western European variant R1b. This happened 16 thousand years ago. Some of the R1b carriers remained in Asia, and continue to carry this haplogroup even now. The rest went to the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, and much later to Western Europe. Their typical representatives are the Celts, who appeared in Western Europe 3500-4500 years ago. By the way, Celts is a collective name and was first used in its modern meaning not so long ago, at the beginning of the 18th century, by Edward Lyde, director of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. Traveling on museum business, he drew attention to the similarity of the languages of the Welsh, Cornish, Breton, Irish, Scottish Gauls, and ancient Gaulish languages. He united these languages under the common name of Celtic languages, invented by him. Although the very name of the Celts was mentioned by Julius Caesar in the book "Notes on the Gallic War", as a synonym for the Gauls.

But back to the R1b group. Our Slavic ancestor was not in that group – neither with those who stayed in Asia, nor with those who went to the Caucasus or Western Europe. Our Slavic ancestor separated from them earlier, carried haplogroup R1 to Eastern Europe and, having earned the last (to date) mutation M17/M198, settled 12 thousand years ago in the Balkans, in the Dinaric Alps and up to the Adriatic coast. These two mutations remained with everyone who forms the genus of Aryans. In other words, haplogroup R1a1.

Of course, there were no Slavs as such, as a "cultural and historical society", then, 12 thousand years ago, but we are direct descendants of those who came to the Balkans at that time.

To call them "Indo-Europeans", strictly speaking, is also impossible, because there was no India in their history then. The language they spoke was Aryan, just by definition. If desired, it can be called "proto-Indo-European", assuming that in seven thousand years the descendants of these Aryans, who will then really call themselves Aryans, will come to India and Iran, bring their Aryan language, Northern India and Eastern Iran will speak it. And since by that time arias had already spread throughout Europe, both Western and Eastern, for a thousand and a half thousand years, it is not surprising that from India to the Atlantic three to three and a half thousand years ago they began to speak similar dialects. Aryan.

And it is all the more unsurprising that British linguists, arriving in India three thousand years after the events described, discovered this fact. And they called this group of languages Indo-European. At that time, 200 years ago, it was reasonable.

But it's outdated now. You can call it something, but you have to remember what was the reason for that. But to call people who speak these languages "Indo-Europeans" is a curiosity.

Route, stage four, the next 6 thousand years. The Balkans – Central Europe, the Atlantic, Scandinavia, the Carpathians, the future Ukraine, Belarus, Russia. The beginning is 10 thousand years ago, the pass is 4 thousand years ago.

As shown by the DNA genealogy data, which I actually copied from our DNA and cited above, about 6 thousand years after the settlement of the Aryans, members of the genus R1a1, in the Dinaric Alps, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, their active movement to the west, north, northeast began. The first of the discovered directions is the Northern Carpathians, Bukovina. The haplotypes of the Aryan, Slavic ancestors of the genus R1a1 go back 6,000 years there. This is the famous and mysterious Tripoli culture. Since the Celtic group R1b joined them only a thousand years later, about 4700-5300 years ago, the Tripoli culture 6000 years ago was the Proto–Slavs. And they did not completely go anywhere from there, as historians believe, their descendants live there, in Chernivtsi and in the district, to this day. As are the descendants of the R1b group. Many, however, were sent to camps in the 1940s, many emigrated, for example, to Canada. I studied them, the haplotypes of Bukovina emigrants.

Another direction of the migration flow is to the west, to the Atlantic. The ancestors of the Irish Aryans were discovered 5200 years ago, the British – 4800 years ago. Apparently, it was they, the Arias, who erected the mysterious Stonehenge, which, as it was recently established, is a monumental cemetery, where 4-6-meter stone parallepipeds with a thickness of more than a meter and weighing 15-16 tons each rest on 7-meter stone columns, some up to 8-9 meters and weighing up to 40 tons. These monuments have been erected for almost a millennium, and radiocarbon dating of them gave the dates of construction for various burials from 4500 to 3600 years ago. This is consistent with the timing of the arrival of the Aryans in the British Isles. The Celtic genus R1b arrived on the islands, and in general in Europe five hundred to a thousand years later.

The colder, mountainous Scotland of the Aria began to be inhabited only five hundred years after Britain, 4,300 years ago.

At the same time, the Arias from the Balkans moved north. The first on the road is Hungary, the ancestors of R1a1 appeared there about 5000 years ago, that is, at about the same time as in the British Isles. Then, 4800 years ago, the Aryan ancestor appeared in Germany, 4300 years ago in Norway, 4250 years ago in Sweden. This is already noticeably later than the beginning of the Aryan advance to the east. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland – this is 4600-4200 years ago, in general, all similar dates, the middle of the III millennium BC.

At the same time, the Arias began to move along the southern arc, from the Balkans through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits and through Asia Minor to the east. Perhaps even bypassing the Black Sea from the north side, and then through the Caucasus Mountains to Anatolia and further south to the Mediterranean Sea. A branch of the descendants of R1a1 lives now in Lebanon, with the beginning of the branch 4,400 years ago. Their ancestral haplotype is exactly the same as that of the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs, the Armenians of the R1a1 group, and differs only by a small fraction (a fraction of one mutation) from the ancient Aryans of Anatolia, who lived there 4500 years ago. It all fits together.

The Arias moved to the east first through the northern Carpathians – 6000 years ago, having founded the Tripoli culture, as already noted, and then went further, through the territories of present-day Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, capturing the Baltic States in a strip. This is again the middle of the III millennium BC, the common ancestor of the Slavs of Russia and Ukraine lived 4500 years ago. The Baltic ancestor cannot be older, it is enough to look at the map. And indeed, Lithuania, along with the rest of Europe, shows a common ancestor of the genus R1a1, the same 4500 years ago. In other words, Lithuania and Latvia could have been settled by the Aryans either simultaneously with Ukraine and Russia (and Poland, which is at the same time), or later. The same is true about the proximity of the Slavic-Baltic languages – either it is originally the same Aryan language, or Lithuania acquired a variant of this language already from the Proto-Slavs. The opposite simply could not be, geography does not allow.

On the contrary, the stream actively moved in the other direction, into the southern steppes of Ukraine and Russia, founding many archaeological cultures along the way, between the Dnieper and the Ural River and further east, This happened in the next thousand years, between 4500 and 3500 years ago. Moving from the Black Sea region to the Caspian Sea, our ancestors founded the Kurgan culture, and then the Hadron culture, going to northern Kazakhstan and the southern Urals, and further into the Asian expanses. As a result, a number of Central Asian peoples largely belong to the genus R1a1, the Aryan genus. A significant proportion of Tajiks (64%), Kyrgyz (63%), Uzbeks (32%), Uighurs (22%), Khakas (Yenisei Kyrgyz, they are also, according to some data, Usuni, Geguni and Dinlins), Altai peoples (50%), and then a number of peoples with the transition to China. The small Ishkashim people in the Pamir Mountains are two–thirds R1a1. From this, the reasons why it would seem that such different peoples as Tajiks, Kyrgyz, and Russians have – on the Y chromosome – the same origin are clear. All of them, those who carry the haplogroup R1a1 – the genus of Aryans. And it is clear that the basis of the sensations that appear from time to time, such as the fact that the Chinese are the ancestors of the Russian Slavs, because the next Chinese found haplogroup R1a1.

In Central Asia, the Arias moving along the southern part of the route were delayed for 500-800 years. These places were then described in detail in the Zend Avesta, an ancient book of the Aryans written already in Iran, where the Aryans moved in the 2nd millennium BC. Perhaps this migration was earlier than the Aryans from the southern Urals, from Arkaim and the "land of cities", and occurred at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, about 3900-3800 years ago. Perhaps at the same time as the South Ural arias, 3600-3500 years ago. While the haplotypes of Iranian R1a1 are not readily available, but in the near future this issue will be resolved.

Northern IndiaIn those days, between 6 and 4 thousand years ago, there was a great migration of peoples.

This was not the famous Great Migration of the IV-VII centuries AD, during which large ethnic movements took place in Europe, and which led to the collapse of the Roman Empire or were its result. It was a much more global Great Migration associated with the spread of new technologies, agriculture, horse transport, and eventually led to the creation of a family of Indo-European languages. The genus R1a1, Arias, Proto-Slavs, played a decisive role in this migration and in its results.

But let's go back to the southern Urals, and let's stop in more detail. There are very mysterious pages of history there.

Route, stage five, the next thousand years. Southern Urals – India, Iran. The beginning is 4 thousand years ago, the pass is 3 thousand years ago.

So, the early Bronze Age. Arias arrive in the southern Urals. 3800 years ago, they built the settlements of Sintashtu, Arkaim (modern names), and the whole "country of cities". A lot has been written about these settlements and burial mounds in their vicinity, about the architecture and occupations of their inhabitants, we will not repeat ourselves. We will only note that the signs of the swastika – the traditional "solar sign" of the Aryans - were found on the crockery in Arkaim. Even in the Andronovo region, burials were found, the remains of which showed haplogroup R1a1, a genus of Aryans, Proto-Slavs. Haplotypes from the graves are also Slavic. In the sense that the Slavs, and those from the graves, had one common ancestor, the genus R1a1.

The main mystery is that Arkaim existed for only two hundred years. Approximately at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries BC, 3600 years ago, the inhabitants left it, taking their property and utensils with them and leaving a few items, an order of magnitude less than archaeologists usually find, and go to no one knows where. The end of the story.

In fact, it is known where. This is irrefutably evidenced by DNA genealogy.

Northern India (Kashmir)North of India – solid haplogroups R1a1.

In general, 16% of Indian residents are carriers of haplogroup R1a1. This is a hundred million men. Half of the upper castes of India are carriers of haplogroup R1a1. The ancestral haplogroup of the Hindus is the same as that of the Eastern Slavs. The age of the ancestor of this haplogroup in India is 3650 years, in Russia–Ukraine - 4500 years. Arias left Arkaim about 3,600 years ago.

Is that enough?

Okay, here's another one. Arias were monogaplogroup, only R1a1. Therefore, only R1a1 was brought to India by them. In India itself, there are a lot of other haplogroups that are almost not found outside of India. It was described above how 35 thousand years ago, near the Pamir, Tien Shan, Hindu Kush mountains, the migration flow divided, and those who came to India from the south went their own way. So, on this path and further in India, they were isolated, and created many of their own, purely Indian haplogroups. Among them are H, L, R2. If it were the Indians who brought their R1a1 outside India, not to mention Europe, R1a1 would certainly be accompanied by these purely Indian, local, local haplogroups. And they do not exist in Russia as a whole, nor in Eastern Europe, nor in Western Europe, except perhaps among the Gypsies. It is clear that this haplogroup R1a1 came to India, and did not come out of there. By the way, when moving to the south of India, the age of haplogroup R1a1 falls. The South Indian tribe Chenchu ancestor R1a1 lived 2900 years ago. 600 years after the arrival of the Aryans in India.

It should be mentioned here that India from the Southern Urals is the direct shortest passage to the south. Kashmir is almost under the Southern Urals, you just need to cross Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. There are crossings, only at an altitude of a kilometer or two. There, along the crossings, there are still ruins of ancient fortresses, the remains of branches of the Great Silk Road, which was created there fifteen hundred years after the Aryan campaign in India. By the way, on one of these crossings there are settlements of the small Ishkashim people, whose male population is two–thirds R1a1. It's suggestive.

So, the Arias from Arkaim went to India about 3,600 years ago, leaving the settlement. Why did they do it? What was the need for this?

The answer to this becomes clear if you look at the history of global catastrophes. 3600 years ago, one of the largest eruptions in the history of mankind, the volcano Santorini, aka Tera, occurred in the Aegean Sea. This explosion wiped out the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete. The volcanic explosion threw 60 cubic kilometers (!) of ash into the atmosphere, which led to a sharp and long drop in temperature throughout the Earth. Evidence of this is tree rings in Europe and North America. This is four times more ash than in the monstrous explosion of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883.

For a long time, the Sun was almost invisible. This explosion was accompanied by strong tectonic movements, which were noticeably felt all over the planet.

The most accurate dating of the eruption, determined by the radiocarbon method, gave a period of 3615 ± 15 years ago, according to tree rings – 3628-3629 years ago, according to ice cores - 3644 ± 20 years ago. If you average all this, it turns out 3630 years ago.

This is most likely the time when the Arias left Arkaim.

It becomes clear why the Arias in the Indian Vedas paid so much attention to the cold, the absence of sunrises and long nights. This is what misled the Indian scientist Tilak at the beginning of the last century, who took these descriptions of the Aryans for allegedly living conditions in the Arctic. Hence the well-known, but erroneous "Arctic" theory of the appearance of both the Aryans and the whole of humanity.

The Aryans, who paid so much attention to the measured life set by the higher powers, so much attention to rituals, as can be seen from their burial system, became uncomfortable. They reflected this extremely discomfort in the Mahabharata in the narrative, allegorical form so characteristic of the Arias. Arias did not leave historical documents at all, they composed hymns in which they reflected the realities of life in an allegorical form.

So, this is what the Arias felt (book sixteen of the Mahabharata, ed. Science, 2005):

"With the onset of the thirty-sixth year (of the reign) ... began to notice bad omens. Sharp hurricane winds blew, bringing down stones instead of rain, and birds began to circle from left to right. The great rivers turned back, the sides of the world were covered with mist, meteors fell from the sky to the earth, scattering red-hot coals with rain. The solar disk was covered with a veil, and at sunrise its rays could not be seen through the clouds. Both the moon and the sun have an ominous tricolor halo with sharp black edges, shining red like ash. These and many other signs appeared from day to day, foreshadowing trouble and instilling anxiety in the heart.

... Meanwhile, around the houses... constantly circled (the god of death), and even those who were attached... Every day terrible hurricanes came to ruin..., causing the hairs on the body to rise in horror. On the streets... rats of enormous size appeared, birds were screaming anxiously in the houses, and this cry did not cease either during the day or even at night. Cranes imitated the hooting of owls, and goats imitated the howling of jackals! White red-legged birds, messengers of Time, roamed instead of pigeons in the houses. Cows gave birth to oxlings, mules – camels, dogs – kittens, and mongooses – baby rats... wives cheated on their husbands, and husbands cheated on their wives. The blazing luminary, abundant in radiance, moved in a circle from left to right, emitting alternately blue and blood-red rays.

... As soon as the purest food prepared in the kitchen with great care was served, worms started in it... the sound of running footsteps could be heard, but no one was in sight. Everyone watched the planets collide with each other again and again, flying into the constellations, and people could not find their own, under the sign of which they were born....

.. Vasudeva ordered the townspeople to go on a pilgrimage to the holy places.... At the behest of Keshava , the servants proclaimed: "it behooves you, bull-men, to make a trip to the ocean."

It is not possible to quote further here, besides, there are continuous allegories, including the next book of the Mahabharata, the seventeenth book, with the characteristic title "The Book of the Great Exodus". Here we pay attention to an interesting observation – "the sound of running footsteps was heard, but no one was in sight." Well, how better to describe the underground, tectonic movements?

These are the reasons and history of the Aryan transition to India. According to some experts, already from India, some of the Aryans went to the west, to Eastern Iran, and therefore it is the Eastern Iranian languages that are closer to the "Indo-European". But most likely, the main part of the Aryans moved to Iran directly from Central Asia, where they lived for at least 500 years, and went to Eastern Iran at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, 3900-3800 years ago. This completely fits into the concept of Aryan languages, as it is discussed in this study. It also fits that the main share of the Aryan haplogroup R1a1 in Iran is located in Eastern Iran, and accounts for about 20% of the Iranian population, which overwhelmingly has the Middle Eastern haplogroup J2. In the west of Iran, the share of the Aryan haplogroup R1a1 is generally minimal, and is only 3%. So all the talk about the "Iranian-speaking" ancient Slavs is devoid of any grounds. There was no significant direct connection of the ancient Slavs with western Iran. Only with the East, and with India. That is why the Western Iranian languages are so young, the middle of the first millennium BC.

This is how DNA genealogy puts in place and combines into a single system the disparate and conflicting scraps of information from history, anthropology, linguistics, which, it would seem, made up the system.


Three provisions could form the conclusion of this study.

The first is that DNA genealogy begins to serve science. What seemed like some kind of entertainment a few years ago turned out to give history, anthropology, archeology, linguistics an opportunity to test the concept, consider data from a fundamentally different angle, link together seemingly disparate parts of the overall picture of our knowledge about the world around us.

Secondly, this research has allowed us to solve a number of riddles that have remained riddles for dozens, and sometimes hundreds of years. And this is not at all because the author is so knowledgeable, but because a new tool, DNA genealogy, turned out to be at his – and ours – services. It turned out to be possible to monitor the movements of peoples not with the help of a shovel and an archaeologist's brush, and not measuring skulls, and not cunningly unwinding the consonances and meanings of words in living and dead languages, but simply tracing the marks in our DNA. They, these labels, cannot be "assimilated" or "absorbed" by other languages, cultures, or peoples, as has been happening for millennia within the concepts of history, linguistics, and anthropology. Haplotypes and haplogroups are not assimilated. They can only be physically exterminated, but this does not happen often for the whole people. Haplogroups and haplotypes stubbornly make their way through any assimilation, through millennia, and not only make their way, giving us a sign of their existence, but also allow us to calculate the time when their ancestors lived.

And the third thing that the author would like to emphasize is that he does not belittle the importance of archaeology, linguistics, anthropology, and does not try to replace them. The author stands on the shoulders of giants in these and other fields of knowledge. Specialists in these scientific disciplines have carried out absolutely colossal work, without which the conclusions of this study would have hung in the air. There would be nothing to try them on. The main goal of the author is to show the possibilities of DNA genealogy methods to specialists in other areas of human history.

In this article, it would be possible to devote a significant part of the interpretation of the data obtained by me with the help of DNA genealogy, namely, interpretation within the framework of history, linguistics, anthropology, ethnogeography. For example, it should be noted that the data of radiocarbon analysis of ancient sites in Europe often (or usually) indicate times 5800-6000 years ago, such as 5820±130 years ago in Poland, 5840± 70 years ago in northwestern England, 5845± 100 years ago in northwestern Ireland according to one data and 5500 years ago in Scotland according to other data, and compare with data on the lifetime of the common ancestor of the genus R1a1, for example, in Ireland 5200 ± 200 years ago (see above). But then it is necessary to embark on long discussions of calibrations of radiocarbon analysis data, errors in DNA genealogy methods, and that parking lots are one thing, and the surviving ancestors whose descendants live in our time are somewhat different. These dates may theoretically coincide, and the ancestors theoretically could have lived at ancient sites from the very beginning of their existence, but it is more likely that not the earliest inhabitants of the sites survived and gave surviving offspring. But if we were to discuss all this, it would not be the same article, and its tasks would be different, and the author would most likely be different. It is clear that the lifetimes of the ancient ancestors of the genus R1a1 roughly coincide with the dates of the corresponding archaeological cultures on their way, the genus R1a1, migrations, and with radiocarbon dating sites, and if these dates are somewhat earlier, it is easy to explain by the fact that not all potential ancestors survived.

In fact, it is surprising that the modern descendants of the genus R1a1 (and we are talking about it now) have their continuous DNA genealogical lines since the ancient Neolithic, and sometimes even Paleolithic sites, and this can be directly seen from the records in our Y chromosomes, haplotypes, and from the picture of mutations in them to calculate the times of these sites and the times of migrations of human flows.

Of course, there is a temptation to note, or even emphasize, that the dates of life of common ancestors throughout Europe, found in this study using DNA genealogy, are mostly 4200-4800 years ago, that is, the III millennium BC, and this strikingly coincides with the data of historians. As they write, it was at this time that "the Indo-Europeanization of Central Europe by the agricultural tribes of Indo-Europeans ended." However, not "Indo-Europeans", but Aryans, haplogroups R1a1. Those who went to the east became Proto–Slavs, those who went to the west became... in general, they do not have their own name. Who calls them by the collective name Celts, who – Basques. The proportion of R1a1 in the British Isles is minimal, often from zero to 4%. In the north of Scotland – up to a quarter. In the north, in Scandinavia – about 20%, and with an upward gradient – to the east, up to three-quarters in Russia, up to two-thirds in some regions of Central Asia.

What made the Aryans move to new lands? What caused the almost incessant flow of population to new territories? To be honest, that's not my question either. I would prefer that professional historians, anthropologists, and linguists do the professional interpretation of these data. They know the answer better than me. They write that this flow was caused – and in turn caused itself – by new economic and technical achievements, in particular, dairy farming, new technology of land cultivation, the domestication of horses, the creation of wheeled transport. Another is climate change, the onset of "a period of a certain decrease in temperature and a variable increase in continentality, the onset of global climate aridity in the III millennium BC." This, in turn, "led to a decrease in the agro-climatic potential and did not give guaranteed yields." But this is again not my question, not my profession. And not DNA genealogy.

The most important thing is that in cooperation with the data of linguists, archaeologists, historians in this study, it turned out to be possible to establish where the "ancestral homeland" of both "Proto–Indo-Europeans" (Front Asia) and Aryans, they are also "Indo-Europeans", they are also Proto-Slavs (Balkans), thereby reconciling - at least at first glance vzglyad – two main schools of linguists. It's just that the time frame for these "ancestral lands" turned out to be different – for the first 40 thousand years ago, for the second – 12 thousand years ago.

The same approach made it possible to trace in some detail, in time and place, how the Aryans migrated between 6000 and 4200 years ago to the northern Carpathians, to the places of the mysterious Tripoli culture, in Central Europe, to the British Isles, to Scandinavia, to the Slavic territories of present-day Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, and further along the southern steppes of Ukraine and Russia to the Southern Urals and further to India and Iran, and to the Middle East, to Lebanon, and to the Arabian Peninsula, to the Gulf of Oman. He allowed it to be reasonably assumed that it was Arias who erected the monuments of Stonehenge. That it was the Arias who built settlements in the Southern Urals, now called Arkaim, Sintashta, and the land of cities.

This method allowed us to establish that the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs have a common ancestor who lived 4,500 years ago, that the same Slavic ancestor is also the ancestor of the Hindus of the same kind of Aryans, who now number at least one hundred million people. Indian descendants continued the lineage of our ancestral Slavic, who lived 3850 years ago, and continued this lineage shortly after the Arias left Arkaim and the Southern Urals. And we already know, perhaps, why and when it was abandoned.

This method made it possible to convincingly show that not "Indo-European languages", but Aryan, Proto-Slavic languages are primary. "Indo-European languages" - this euphemism arose at one time from a misunderstanding of what connects Sanskrit and its variants, on the one hand, and European languages, on the other. Now it has become quite clear. Aryan languages are the basis of both European languages, and Sanskrit, and "Indo-European" Iranian languages. Not "Iranian-speaking peoples" lived on the Dnieper, Don and Ural Rivers. Slavs lived there, ancient Slavs, Arias, and it was their language. They brought their language to India, Iran, Afghanistan.

These are our direct ancestors. And now we can say that we have not forgotten them.
Photos in the article - this is how the descendants of the Aryan-Slavs in India look 3600 years after their transition from the Southern Urals. Take a break for a while from ribbons, swords and other national colors, and imagine these faces somewhere in Yaroslavl or Krasnodar. Looks like?

literatureGamkrelidze, T.V. and Ivanov, V.V. Indo-European language and Indo-Europeans.

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