13 July 2015

Pharmacogenomics is already on the threshold of clinics

The effectiveness of treatment was proposed to predict by the patient's DNA

At the same time, doctors will be able to predict the effectiveness of treatment by studying the patient's genome. "We have reached the stage where this can happen, and it will happen," said Francis Collins, director of the US National Institutes of Health.

The staff of the University of Pennsylvania came closer to solving the task. The authors of the study published in the journal Cell studied the effect of thiazolidinediones – drugs against diabetes mellitus, the use of which helps to reduce insulin resistance. In most cases, these drugs are effective, but in about 20-30% of patients they do not have the desired therapeutic effect.

Scientists have suggested that the whole point may be that patients taking the same drug have small differences in the regions of the genome responsible for the work of genes. These are the so-called regulatory regions that "turn on" genes in the event that a nuclear receptor molecule interacts with DNA.

The action of many drugs, in particular, thiazolidinediones, is based on interaction with nuclear receptors. The authors of the study found that a single nucleotide substitution in these DNA regions makes it possible to predict what effect taking medications will have on the patient.

Diagram from the press release of the University of Pennsylvania - VM.

"Taking each drug can be accompanied by risk," says study co–author Mitchell Lazar. At the same time, the exclusion of these risks in the analysis of the genetic code is "one of the principles of personalized medicine." Scientists note that in the next 10 years, the reduction in the cost of genome sequencing will allow each person to decode their DNA.

Article by Soccio et al. Genetic Variation Determines PPARgamma Function and Anti-diabetic Drug Response In Vivo published in the journal Cell – VM.

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