06 February 2024

Doctors have named three foods that can age the heart quickly

The hearts of many Americans (nearly 20 percent of those examined) are excessively worn out for their actual age. The difference is about five years. Moreover, this figure can be as high as 11 years. This is reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

As noted cardiologist Vikas Sunder, a person can reduce the risk of developing ailments on the part of blood vessels and heart. According to him, it is important to be aware of your chronic diseases and get regular checkups, monitoring blood sugar, cholesterol and other indicators.

"Regular exercise helps maintain weight and blood pressure and reduces stress," says the doctor. He recommends a minimum of 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity physical activity. For example, tennis or brisk walking.

In terms of nutrition, it is important to avoid trans fats. As for saturated fats, salt and refined sugar, you should be more careful with them. In large quantities, these are provocateurs of dangerous ailments.

Three more important points - smoking cessation, minimizing alcohol (and it should be remembered that, according to most experts, there is no safe dose of alcohol) and timely referral to a doctor in the appearance of a number of symptoms. What to pay attention to in the first place? This is difficulty breathing, swelling of the legs, pain in the chest, unexplained fatigue, dizziness.

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